Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"Sinful in Seattle" by Forbidden Bliss

This week's Perv Pack Recommendation is...

Title: "Sinful in Seattle" on

"Sinful in Seattle" on Twilighted
Author: Forbidden Bliss
Chapters: 4
Words: 34,992
Reviews: 124
Summary: Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. And I plan on doing it again very, very soon. Oh, the games that we will play...Let them begin. E/B--OOC ALL HUMAN. No religion "We are compelled to do what is forbidden."

Bri- I totally broke my rule of not starting any new fics until they are well into the plotline when I started this one. I saw a thread for it over on twi and was intrigued by the, I started reading - with only two chapters complete. I was hooked. Completely. Fucking. Hooked. I'm not gonna lie - I was disappointed when the author skimmed the sexin' in the first chapter, but hell - she's more than made up for it with the UST and the hot little ditty that was in her latest chapter. I love the characters she's created in this - it's always refreshing to see a Bella that is OOC for me. And, it's completely unusual to see a Bella that is a cynic. I think (hope?) Edward can make her believe in love again... This is one of the few stories I drop everything for when I see an update. I'm anxious to get further in the storyline and get to the hot, hot sexin'. 4/5 panties from me.

Emmy- I read this whilst ill in bed & can I say firstly it provided some instant, if all be it transient, pain relief! & that makes it powerful writing! Secondly, if I could be gripped and entertained by it when I couldn't even sit up in bed, you know it has got to deliver the goods!
I love the U(ung)ST! It oozes from every pore of this tale. I love a lot about this fic in fact: The narration - its direct and honest voice over style. The fact that Edward appears to be a good guy, misinterpreted by a cynical Bella. But we don't know that for sure, there could be a big twisty in store re Edward. (we do not know what made him do what he did in the first chapter, as Bella never lets him explain to her, and therefore us!) The fact that Bella is in deep denial - EVERYONE else (bar Alice) can see it in her life. Ooh & that reminds me, the supporting cast. They are cleverly painted too. Not too much, not too little, but enough to make it interesting, well rounded and not just Bella whining on about her sorry state of affairs! (not that that is how this fic reads in the slightest, but another author could have taken it that way!) Obviously we are just four chapters into this story... I really really have enjoyed it so far... I also feel that Forbidden Bliss is building it up very nicely for a big release.. The lemon in chapter four is good. Its Emmy certified to provide pain relief for fecks sake! - how many fics can say that?! So I cannot wait for the full delivery.
Its a great fic. Its sexy. The characters are real. The writing style is effervescent but with depth and development and I think its pretty addictive. Another one of my MIMO(Miss it Miss Out) selections deffo! So in light of the lemon in lieu, I give this a sweaty fantasy soaked 4 knickers out of 5. I am sure the fifth knicker will be dampened and then drenched soon!

Hope- Hope is buried beneath a mountain of toys and unable to leave a review this week...and by toys I mean the not-as-fun kid ones. Not the wonderful world of adult ones...haha

Beks-As yet another story that got me through a long work day, I read this little bit o' pleasure on my phone and man was I grateful. the writing is fresh, the characters are memorable and the story thus far leaves you wanting more. I love this version of Edward and Bella. Forbidden Bliss gives us two adults, in the best sense of the word and throws them into fun and sexy interactions. And the lemon was just hot as fuck. I am anxious to see where she takes this story. 4 out of 5.

Kasey- Wow, that's some amazing UST there! How had I missed this fic before? I agree with my UK gal (Emmy-dahlink) that the tone and style of narration in this particular gem is spot on and I especially loved the author's Bella. I have a thing for a non-BS Bella and this one was right up my alley! I will also say that the lemony goodness was sexy and smutty (mah cuppa tea) and pretty golden. But again, it's really the level of UST that Forbidden Bliss weaves into the story that had this particular reader with her panties in a bunch. Hahaha! As I read, I found myself anxious for more and when a fic can suck me in and make me not want to stop reading until the much anticipated climax (pun intended), then it's absolutely rec worthy in my book. So, with that said, I'm giving this fic a solid 4.5 out of 5 sopping panties for the amazing UST, smut, and narration style. Truly an enjoyable read!

Miya- I'll admit to skimming at first... I'm a mom with twin 10 month olds. Writing takes precedence to reading new fics. Then I found the lemon. That was quickly followed with some alone time and then rereading all chapters in depth. The tone is well managed. The author brings you to the brink of insanity with UST and then bam, you're golden. The story is great not just for the smut, snarky Bella lusting after Dr. McDreamy is almost as great as the smut. I give it a 4/5 with the promise that 5/5 will be coming in future chapters.

Nina- There was a thread started for this on Twilighted and because of the the deliciousness of the fic's title I immediately started reading. So I read it, and I loved it, then I read the first four chapters again during the great cockblockalypse of 09' because I was determined to read every fucking ounce of good smut I could. Needless to say, Chapter four was read three times. Okay three times on the Smutberry that is damaged from the drool that got into it ;) The thing is, I enjoy the stories that have an adult pairing of Eddie and Bella, that's only my preference and sweet baby Jebus does she deliver with the

Plus, the Sex and the City similarities make it that much more interesting. The opening "Carrie-like" monologue is perfect and really sets the tone wonderfully for the rest of the chapter. I agree in Bri's characterization of Bella as a cynic. It makes me like her that much more and having the cynicism compounded with her hot sexiness with Dr. Eddie, oh Lawd!

I don't know how many times I have to stress what a UST fan I am, and this is delish tension. De-lish. Yum. Plus I'm sorry, I know that it's typical and cliche to keep Eddie as a doctor, but I have one thing to say. Boner in scrubs. Google it (not at work), RedTube it (not at work) I don't care. A hot fucking doctor, sporting his Sargent at Arms at full mother fucking attention? Sign me the fuck up and I salute him and his package.

If I have to criticize one thing it's the summary. I 'get' it, but I think FB would have a shitload more readers/reviews/worshipers to this little ditty with a new summary. Hit up Pastiche over at TLYDF, she's a summary goddess. 4/5 from me and I need a fucking minute.

Stephie- So as usual, Stephanie decided to procrastinate and wait til the night before to read SinS. She figured, it's only a few chapters right? She can do that in one night. But then, her mini decided that she would be up all night writhing in pain. First pooze, now molars. FML. Sorry, no review from me. It's a miracle mini is sleeping long enough for me to write this out.

Steph- I love a witty, snarky Bella and this one does not disappoint. She has decided that there is no Mr. Right in the greater Seattle area, so she's going to have fun with Mr Right Now. Enter Edward. Charming, flirty, handsome as hell doctor she meets at a bar. He calls her right away, they have a fabulous date and some super hot sex. So hot that when the girls ask her if he's a McDreamy or McSteamy, she says he could have been both if she hadn't woken up alone. Now, cue the interesting twist to the story and it sets us up for them being "friends". Right Bella, let's see how well that works shall we? The UST goes through the roof and I'm just dying for these two to figure it out already. This story is full of amazing potential and I can't wait to see what the hell happens between these two. I have no doubt in my mind that we're in for a wild, steamy, tumultuous ride, and I for one can't wait. 4 out of 5 wet panties for me, with the potential to reach a full 5 once we see some more action!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"Subjugation" by Emibella

Title: Subjugation
Author: Emibella
Chapters: One-Shot
Words: 4116
Reviews: 14
Summary: "Jasper needs to quell his lustful desires for humans after having a sex talk with Edward opened up a Pandora's box of old feelings. Can he find his wife to help him?"

I think most of us are familiar with Emibella's tale of self-discovery, "If It's The Beaches", however before "Beaches" broke on the scene, Emibella posted a great series outtake-type story, "Constellations". Constellations is yet to be completed, but Emi writes a sweet, funny story in which Edward seeks out sex advice from the members of his family in the weeks before the beginning of Breaking Dawn.

"Subjugation" is an outtake from Constellations, written in Jasper's POV. After talking to Edward about his impending wedding night with Bella, Jasper is over come by Edward's intense feeling and memories of his own human conquests. He quickly finds himself in desperate need of release. Jasper sets off, on foot, in search of Alice who is, of course, busy shopping. Hot, drool-worthy sexiness ensues.

Emibella does a lot of things right with this one-shot, most importantly, she presents an excellent portrayal of Vamp-Jasper, of which Meyer herself only gave us a subtle glimpse. Jasper is a dark and complicated character, but Emi does a wonderful job showing his tortured psyche coupled with a passionate, sweet and deep love for Alice. It's well written, the characterization is fantastic and the smut is down right hot. I've read this story many times, including this morning while I was laying in bed waiting for my boyfriend to wake up and I look forward to reading it again.

On a personal level, Emi's writing impacted me greatly and Subjugation in particular encouraged me to continue writing fic after my first one-shots were posted. Emi is a great gal and all of her work is worth reading. Read Subjugation, then tell your friends to read it and then read it again!


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Talking about Tasha...

Okay, let's talk Tasha, everyone.

I know, I'm excited too.

The boring shit: I'm twenty-three, blonde, married to a man that I clearly don't deserve, with three little kids to drive me crazy. I'm a special needs teacher, a mommy, and an amature stripper. No seriously, I'm taking pole dancing classes, and let me tell you, I could shake it for a living if I ever get sick of teaching.

I'm not cool and indie rock like my friends here, instead I am all about Lady GaGa and Britney Spears. I read Perez Hilton religiously. I have over two hundred pairs of too expensive heels, and Anna Wintour is Jesus to me. I'm a little superficial and foolish and I have too much make up, but I'm a pretty awesome person.

Well, at least, I think so.

I write several things, most notably 'Past and Present'. I started Past and Present, or P&P as everyone calls it when I decided, after reading the first three Twilight books, that Bella was a weak, boring character that had no business being with Edward because she sucked so much. So I made my own Bella, who is selfish and messed up and a little bit of a bad person, with some questionable morals and dressed her up pretty. Thus P&P was born. It's not fluff, or angst, it's both. I love cliff hangers and hate stupid people that review with the Update Wall O' Death. P&P has several one shot AU's where Bella… has sex with other people.

I also write 'Dinnertime', which is my opus of fucked up. I love me some disaster, and the more messed up, the better. It was supposed to be a one shot, but I can't do one shots, I'm too pretentious and arrogant. I have to continue everything.

There's 'Torquere', which I'm co-writing and fixing up with my darling Isabel.

Now let's talk other people's fic, and more importantly, my rec for this week. It's called "Learning to say no" and it's pretty much the best thing ever written, no lie.

It's funny, and sexy and everyone is always drunk. It's set in high school, but don't let that turn you off, because it is not one of those high school fics. You know the ones, where Edward is a player and Bella smiles all doe eyed at him and he falls in love with her but oh noes there are so many things keeping them apart, least of all his arrogance and her shyness?

Yeah, I hate that shit too. "Learning to say no" is not one of those fics. "Learning to say no": stabs those fics in the kidneys and has sex with their moms, tapes it, and makes them watch, so they can see how that shit is done.

It all starts at a Halloween costume shop where Bella is all "dude, I'm not wearing that" and Edward is like "I'd fuck you in that" and Bella is all "sold." They go to the party, where Bella is drunk off her ass and takes off her thigh highs and Edward almost jizzes himself.

Not the first time.

I don't want to give the whole plot away, but it's got dry humping, and pants jizzing, and shotgun drugging. Bella throws up after she comes, and Edward is way too enthusiastic with the finger fucking. James actually talks to Bella, Edward splooges his pants a lot, and everyone drinks too much.

Like way, way too much.

I spend the entire fic either laughing my ass off or recovering from laughing my ass off. I can't recommend this fic enough. Seriously.

And it's even better if you listened to "I jizzed in my pants" from SNL while reading some scenes. You must read it, and then drop by some love for the author. Cause she's kind of my bestest friend in the whole world now.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

"Consecuencias" by Gustariana

This week's Perv Pack Recommendation is...

Title: "Consecuencias"
Author: Gustariana
Chapters: 9
Words: 28,141
Reviews: 570
Summary: Lust, Sex and its Consequences. Testing the boundaries of their lives and their marriages, Bella and Edward meet in the middle, in a very unusual place. Can they cope with what Life has in store for them? AU AH OCC Rated M for graphic scenes and mature content (duh)

Bri- I have been engrossed in this story since the beginning. Much like my fellow perv, Nina, I loathe Jake with a passion and it is VERY difficult for me to get into any fic that has Bella and Jake paired. However, Gusta has made it perfectly acceptable for me to despise Jake. I know, I know, Gusta didn't mean to make him be the bad guy, but ya know what? It's fine that he is, cause he's what brought us to Edward. Ahhh...Edward. There's another thing I never thought I'd be alright with - reading a fic that has him and the evil bitch Tanya married. But, the picture the author has painted allows us to be alright with the two of them (B&E) coming together (<--hehe, that too). The sex between the two of them was phenomenal. Sexy and hot and honest. And, now? Them meeting under "normal" circumstances and not having sex is perfection. I mean - sitting for three hours in a room at a Swingers party just chillin'? Gah - I LOVED that! I'm looking forward to a ride filled with loads and loads of UST and then some hot, hot smexin'. This fic is an awesome read and I'm looking forward to seeing how she continues with the B/E relationship. She has a lot of snags that need to get worked out, but I have complete faith. 4/5 panties from me - only cuz I need more sexin'.

Emmy- I was very late arriving at this story! I really deserve to be panned for that fact! What a brill piece of writing it is. Gustariana writes brilliantly. One of the things I really like is her narratives, Bella is extremely convincing. Those early chapters where we have to buy in to her confusion, uncertainty and fear are done very well. Ditto the early scene setting chapters for Edward, we have to believe in who he is for the subsequent chapters to make sense and have impact. Both of these she achieves easily. The characterisation of said characters is top notch too. Again so believable. The reason I was so late starting this story was I was worried about the Jake factor... They were completely unnecessary! Jake is a device in this story, well used but not a bother for a Jake avoider like me! ;) Now, I have to say this story is mighty fine! G's Edward is mega sexy. Whether he may be immersed in the debauched world of sex parties, his relationship at home, or just bloody breathing in this tale he is HOT. He knows how to please a woman and how to please himself. & let's say once he pleases Bella nothing will be the same for her again...
Its a honest story. Things are not skirted around. Bella's swirling mist of conflicting emotions are explored as is the paradox Edward's live becomes. The last chapter was incredible, even without them sexing, their chemistry. The development of their relationship. So ruddy good. I cannot recommend this story enough. I feel a total tom-tit for waiting to read one of the best stories! DO NOT MAKE MY MISTAKE! GO READ NOW!!!!! NOW! OFF YOU GO! Although its a hot story, with great sex scenes, its a slow burn, building slowly and I cannot wait for what is still to cum... This story deffo gets 5/5 very sexy silky knickers from me! What a corker!

Emily- Okay I admit it. I was a late comer to this amazing story. I was urged and stroked and bossed (but I love that shit, but I digress) into putting it at the top of my reading list. I know to listen to my fellow PP bitches and I moved it straight to the top and OMG they did not steer me wrong! I honestly did not know the content of the story before I began reading and I think that added to my amazement and surprise. Bella and Jake suffer in a trap of mediocre sex that many married and long term couples face. When Jake suggested swinging I really felt for Bella. Of course she meets Edward and BAM this story earns it rating. I think the meeting of Edward and Bella is one of the hottest things I have ever read in Twilight Fandom. Gustariana knows that Edward and the part with Bella and her boots just slayed me! I could read that scene and that part of the scene over and over. The pacing is perfect, there is enough back story to keep us interested and wanting more and of course the smut is fanfuckingtastic! 5 out of 5 very soaked panties!

Hope- First off let me say that the author, Gustariana of this deliciously wicked mindfuck is the biggest sweetheart ever. Seriously she is. This story first came to my attention after asking Gusta what her avie on the "Twilighted" boards was all about. And I must say I was hooked after reading the first chapter. Completely Fucking Hooked. "After all, I was really an asshole with a probable sex addiction" that about sums up Edward in this little ditty about "Swinging" and the consequences of it. Hence the title "Consecuencias". This story starts out with Bella going over the grocery list in her head as her yet unnamed husband goes down on her, that about sums up her sex life. She is married to her best friend and there is love there, but no spark. He casually mentions a party he heard about starting the journey of Bella and her discovery of her sexuality. Her husband convinces her to go to one of these parties. And she only does it because she loves him and feels she is sexually defective. There she meets a beautiful man that shows her a world that she had only ever imagined before. Gives her an experience she never thought possible. She is not defective, she just never had the right partner. But she is broken inside, the guilt claws at her. Now Edward...he feels nothing. Nothing but his own selfish need to satisfy his every want and desire. He leads a vapid, shallow existence and is perfectly content with it. He is married only because of the mutual benefit of it, not because he is in love. He doesn't believe in love. It is a useless emotion. An emotion he is incapable of feeling. He meets a beautiful stranger at the party and feels the conflicting urges of taking her away from it and initiating her to it himself. His lesser self wins out and he is shaken to his core by the experience. Gusta weaves a tale of guilt and want and lust and discovery and accepting the consequences of your actions so beautifully it almost hurts. Her words are lush and rich but not gushy or verbose. The flow or pacing of the story is spot on. It doesn't lag and there are no low points or useless filler. And let me tell you the sex is smoking hot and really to effin' good without being overly graphic. I have never wanted a four-poster bed as much as I wanted one after reading chapter 5 "Caer" of this story. Gusta meshes the sex with and into the story in affective and delicious way. Really it is too good almost. Too Good. This is a MUST read. Now Go Read It. 5 out of 5 completely drenched panties.

Beks- Okay, I’ll admit I’m a little biased because after reading the first chapter I consulted a little on this story. I won’t say what information I coughed up, but Gustariana sure did put it to pretty damn good use. I am also a little biased because she is responsible for dragging me deeper in to the world of Twi fic and single handily responsible for getting me on gchat and putting me in touch with my fellow pervs, but I digress. We can talk about all the reasons why I love this woman later. Consecuencias is simply a badass story. She took a realistic couple and put the wife in a very uncomfortable situation. Gustariana did a wonderful job of creating a situation where you don’t find yourself turning on Bella, where as in other fics I would have been banging my head against the desk if a character behaved in a similar way. She also created a very interesting and UNIQUE way of bringing Edward and Bella together. Swingers’ parties may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but the humanization of the situations, the actions and the emotions behind them is beautifully done. Not to mention the smut is RIGHT NOW!!!! I wouldn’t encourage people to add this their “To Read” list. I would demand they add it to their “MUST READ” list. 5 out of 5.

Jo- Ahhhh....yesssss. This fic is just a nice big breath of fresh lemony smut. Oh and UST, and intriguing plotline, and originality and just a cornucopia of marital mind fuckery. I am not a Jake hater per se, but I will skip over a fic that pairs him with Bella.....I'm just not interested. But in THIS story, Jake's marriage to Bella & Edward's subsequent marriage to the T-Rex and all the inner and outer (I just wanted a visual) workings of each relationship are done with purpose, severity, and artistry. The initial pairings are paramount to the story, and they work the plot in delicious ways! Gustariana's plotline is ingenius and I am really in love with this Bella. I mean really, she is a normal woman, with normal marital problemas, and an overwhelming desire and sense of obligation to make the life and marriage that she's built work. She loves Jake......right? HAHAHAHA!!! GAH, I just love this story so much so far, and I pant like a bitch in heat for the chapter fuckdates. Bella's first encounter with Swingward (or Sexward, both completely appropriate) is oh so mother-fucking-crazy-hott I needed a fucking break (and not to catch my breath if you get what I mean). Using the premise of swinging lifestyles, although I'm sure done many times over in one-shots and the like, I do believe this is the first and only twific I've seen where the plotline is driven by this setting, and it is seriously addicting. This is one of those stories that you start, it hooks you in right away, and you just KNOW (like you know the sky is blue) that it's just gonna keep getting better.....and HOTTER. I've gotten attached to these characters in the WORST and BEST ways and I'm on the Gusta-train-to-deviant-hell with my fucking bags packed and my tourist camera at the ready.....and like any true BxE fan, hoping for a nice steamy HEA at the end. This delicious dollop of deviance gets 5 out of 5 sopping, dripping, and all around sexed up panties from me (yeah, I sexed 'em up what's it to ya?)

Kasey- This is Gustariana's 1st venture into a full fledged fic (her 1st two being one-shots) and she has done so in a flawless manner. Consequencias (Consequences for English speakers) very honestly portrays the feelings of boredom, sexual dissatisfaction, and frustration that I think many married women find themselves in. However, what makes this story so attractive and compelling (to me) is how the author has chosen to take this frustrated wife character (Bella) and thrust her into a world of debauchery and lust and sexual over-indulgence (Swinging, no less!), all in an effort to revive the lackluster sexual connection with her husband, Jacob Black.. Lo-and-behold, who does she meet at one of these events? Well, handsome, sexy, arrogant, cold Edward Cullen, of course! And what happens when their two worlds collide? FUCKIN' FIREWORKS, dear Pervlings! 'Gusta' (as she's known on Twilighted) does a fantabulously great job at exploring this adventure in a very realistic fashion and the pacing is spot on, in my opinion. But then again, if you've ever read any of her previous work, then you'd know that she's quite talented and can tell a very good (and yummy) tale. Oh...and one thing I enjoy is the music that she selects to go along with her chapters. Yes, they are songs in Spanish (she does translate the lyrics, though), but they capture the essence and the tone of the specific chapters, perfectly.

'Consec' (as I call it, for short) is a very realistic and dramatic (yet hella sexy) voyeuristic view into the dysfunctionality of
relationship and sexual dynamics. It will leave you panting for the next chapter (and constantly harassing her for more)! 5 out of 5 sopping wet panties from this reviewer for my 'queridisima' Gustariana and her awesome, sexy fic!

Kathy- I was hooked from the very beginning of this story. Who has been in a long term relationship and not let things slip away at some point? Going over the grocery list in your head during sex? Hysterical, and true (for some people). I liked the honesty in this fic. Not everything out in the real world is roses and sunshine every day. Life doesn't always end up how you expected. Most of the time, there is hope though, and that's what we have so far. Bella is stuck in a basically loveless marriage, with okay sex, but excellent companionship. Edward and Tanya marry for convenience and have a very untraditional life together with great sex but very little human interaction. Broken, flawed people coming together, perhaps in the hopes of helping each other heal. I have to say, I hope for a happily ever after with this Edward and Bella, but Gustariana has her work cut out for her. This is a very untraditional relationship and I can see it working, but I can also see it failing miserably. I love what Edward shows her in chapter 4 (and I mean more than what he visually shows her); I love that he gets her to explore, to really see what's going on around her. If only he could apply that same philosophy to his life and emotions. Bella struggles with her marriage, with feeling inadequate at the situation she's ended up in and Edward seems to fall from her to the start. "Everything about you calls to me," he confesses to her, and moments later reminds himself she's just another pussy. Very conflicted, the emotions are written so well in each chapter, captured so perfectly, you ache for these two. Sexy and full of emotions? 5 out of 5 panties.

Miya- Our Miss Miya is on vacation with her family enjoying surfing lessons by hot dudes in speedos and a lot of sunshine, though she has read and adored Consecuencias and gives it 5/5.

Nina- I unfortunately can't speak a lick or a slurp of Spanish like my fellow Pervies so my review will me in Ninaglish. One of the best and simplest descriptions of this story was, "Bella has everything but the sex while Edward has nothing but the sex. (Credit to Limona)

I loathe Jacob, so for me to read (and love) a story that has them married is unheard of but, it's not twat you are thinking. Christ on crutch, my cold, dead heart broke for Bella in chapter 1, I mean you have a woman that's married and seemingly content with her life until one day her husband suggests a 'sex party'. Immediately you think that, 'okay she'll get there meet Edward, touch him, get the 'shock', fuck him, love him (the order is irrelevant) and leave Jake and they'll live happily ever after, yeah not so much. But, I'm glad (yes you read that right) Gusta took a chance and rejected the typical cliche having them take the easy road and in return we get a deep, thoughtful character study of the characters and what honestly makes them tick...and fuck. Colorful descriptions of Edward's many encounters, including some fantastic push and shove sex between him and Tanya. Gusta's Bella is easily related to by women of any age, 19-109, okay well maybe not that old but regardless. Whether you are married or in a relationship, you can't help but feel her plight and pain in what she's dealing with. She's been with Jake for so long that she's settled until she meets Edward who turns her entire world on axis BUT, she does the same to him. Edward's transformation is unraveling before our eyes in his borderline obsession with Bella, his eagerness to understand how this one woman and one encounter has thrown his entire known life into a tailspin. All his faceless, nameless women that he's been with are suddenly in question and he's examining his life as he knows it because of her. Take the time and read the story, you won't be disappointed, we promise! I do have to commend Gusta too for writing the sex scene in EPOV, because not only is it extremely well done, it's unbelievably detailed and I'm not kidding, you'll be panting and possibly drooling. I also have to suggest that you read Lujuria. I have no idea what it means but I know that it's fucking hot and magnificent. 5 out of 5

Stephie- Me encantan Gustariana y Consecuencias. The basic idea of Bella married to Jacob, only to discover a deeper feeling with Edward has been done before. But never like this, and never so good IMO. Because Bella is trying to fix her marriage. She doesn't want to see herself as a cheater. She wants passion and excitement in her life with the man she married. No matter how hard she tries though, Edward continues to invade her thoughts. He brings about the passion and excitement that she so desperately seeks, which coincidentally makes her hurt more for what she lacks with Jacob.

And Edward, my sweet jaded Swingward...well, what can I say? Me encanta Swingward tambien. Gusta takes the simple idea of Edward's unjust loathing towards Bella that you read in the books, and transforms it into something so much more real. She is the person responsible for turning his life upside down. Because of her Edward cannot simply continue with how his "perfect" set up. But how he begins to change subtly because of her is great to read.

Last but not least, Gustariana includes amazing music for each chapter. Cancion Animal is my new favorite sexy song. *Grrr* 5/5 panties for La Querida del Twi ff.

Steph- I've been here since the beginning of this story, anxiously awaiting updates from Gusta and squealing like the fangirl I am when I get one. First we have Bella, who could be any housewife in the suburbs, making her grocery list in her head during sex. She claims to love Jake and have a good life with him, but there is no spark no oomph in their sex life. Something vital is missing. Then, we have Edward, who is married to Tanya (shudders convulsively) who has phenomenal sex but no emotional connection to her at all. Cue the meeting place: a Swinger's Party. Bella is sad and angry and frustrated that Jake would want this, but she will do anything to make him happy. What she finds is Edward, who she ends up having mind blowing sex with. That night with him shows her that it IS possible for her. I won't say much more, but the storyline is simply amazing and I wait on the edge of my seat to see where Gusta takes us next. 5 out 5 soaked panties from me.

In addition to our Round Table Review above, we've also asked the Gustariana to share with us a bit about herself and her story...

Introduccion de Gustariana, Consecuencias y muchas otras cosas mas
(Introduction to Gustariana, Consecuencias and many other random things)

*I never number my lists, they are all bulleted.

*I am from outside the continental US. Those closer to me know exactly where.

*I hate feet.

*I think butt secks isn't one of those things a girl should compromise on. Ever.

*I think those girls that do like it should get a special trophy. Either phallus shaped or a brass butt.

*I speak English as a second language, actually I live, work and play in Spanish. Yet I have never written anything in Spanish. I curse quite a bit but the excuse I give everyone is that they are just words in English, not the same meaning as they would in Spanish. Honestly I just think they sound funny and accentuate things nicely.

*I love the show 'LOST', not even Edward Cullen himself can peel me away from the TV on Wednesdays. Yes, you read right, I am a Lostie. Edward will last forever, Lost ends in 2010.

*I had never written anything before until 'One Crazy Bet' that led to 'Lujuria.' And 'One Crazy Obsession' led to 'Consecuencias.' The crazy obsession was swingers, and wondering if I could write a story about swinging that dealt with the consequences and with adult relationships.

*I am obsessive about getting my stuff beta'd. This list was beta'd by at least 3 people. So are my chapters. No, I do not suffer from OCD (I think). I just like lists and I don't like grammatical errors, especially when English isn't my thing.

*I do not swing. I don't plan to. I actually am happily married with 2 kiddos.

*I hate talking about myself, and I hate that on this list every item so far starts with I, so the next bullet will start with something else.

*Plot vs. smut? I'd pick plot, but please throw a good dose of smut if possible and if it fits the story. I have been known to follow awesome T stories

*'Consecuencias' is about how choices people make in life can change their path. I'd like to think that it explores the nuances of love and lust. It is not a story for everyone, I say this because sometimes some of the younger readers will wonder why Bella has not taken a more direct approach with Jake. I remind people that sometimes in marriage, we are forced to bend and compromise. Is Bella bending too much for my comfort? Yes, but Bella has only known Jake and has only experienced the love she feels for him. Like I said to a good friend of mine once, "some readers don't know that sometimes married people have to fuck butts to keep a relationship going." Or in plain ol' English sometimes when you are married you have to do shit you don't like. But you do it anyway. Rest assured, Bella will get her revelation, awakening, whatever you want to call it. And Jake will too.

*'Consecuencias' is not about swinging or sex. I have said this before, but the swinging is like a picture on a wall. It helps set the tone of the room, the ambiance, but it is not the room. You know it's there, but it's a background piece. Swinging is the extreme catalyst that brought the main characters together, but the story is not about group sex, or monkey sex while hanging from the ceiling. It is about two very different people and how their belief systems are shocked and transformed by their meeting. Oh and about love too.

*Back to the I's, I hope everyone will get this list, if not, please read the story. Lists are like a character in it and they are the one thing I willingly gave Bella. The rest she took without my permission.

Friday, February 13, 2009

"Love Among the Stacks" by Acireamos & Anuddaone

This week's Perv Pack Recommendation is...

Title: "Love Among the Stacks"
Acireamos and Anuddaone
Chapters: 18
975 (on Acireamos' profile) 319 (on Anuddaone profile)
Summary: And you thought libraries were just for studying...Bella, resident cool girl librarian, meets a dazzling law student, Edward while working at the university library. Will she help him find what he needs, what he wants? Rated M, and we're not kidding!AU/AH

Bri - Normally I don't enjoy a fic that jumps POV's so frequently, but I was engrossed in this fic from beginning to end. I read this during it's creation so had to suffer through the waits between chapters. I just re-read this ditty tonight and it is SOOO much better when you have everything right in front of you. If the voyeur scene from the beginning of the fic doesn't suck you in, then this fic isn't for you. We get hot dirty humping from all three couples. Of course, my favorite is B/E, but that's no shock. We all know I'm a B/E girl at heart. The UST between the couple is palpable. You'll be screaming "just fuck already!" at your computer more times than you care to admit. And, when they do finally relieve some of the tension? Oh LORD. Rawrrr. The twists and turns they take you on will keep you reading from beginning to end. And, what a perfect story to read over V-day. HEA anyone? 4 out of 5 panties from this perv.

Emmy - Why do I only meet freaks in the library? Hmm? I tell ya - I need to start hanging around Bella's library. Dear god it is dripping with hotties of both sexes! I love the B/E plot line here. But I also adore the little sub plots & the other characters that are very well developed. It makes for a very entertaining and sexy story. I particularly like their Bella. Her inner dialogue is great. Very well done & incredibly entertaining - particularly when she is drunk! I love the build up to the actual action.. Although on rereading its not as long as I remember! (lol). I really like their naughty play that we witness until they finally get their act together. As well as me loving the B/E stuff and characterizations. I have to say that the Rose/Emmett storyline is extremely well done. Their characters are complex and their relationship even more so. This story is great. & I was so pleasantly surprised to discover that it is just as good on a reread. Its Valentine's day & the warm loving and hot sexing of this story makes it a great Smut Shack recc for the holiday. I give it 4 (heart covered) knick-knacks out of 5!

Hope -"Pervert. Libraries are always full of them."Yes, yes they are Bella and boy do we love it. 'Love Among the Stacks' or just plain old 'Stacks' as I call it was one of the first Twifics I ever read. Actually it was the first all-human fic I read, opening up the doors to the whole genre and forever holding a special place in my heart. I love this story. Not for just the hot smut, which there is a bunch of. But because of the interconnecting love stories told in it. They are all individually fascinating but what is captivating is how the all mix and mesh together. This Bella is one of my favorites. She's shy, sarcastic, quirky, clumsy, snarky, has an odd sense of humor and is slightly left of center. On there first meeting in the library they unknowingly walk in on a couple going at. Awkward much, but it sets the tone for the rest of their flirting and courtship. And let me just tell you this Edward and Bella have steamy rendezvous in the most unusual places, a dinner bathroom and in the library for examples. This story just makes my heart flip flop and my lady bits tingle. The epilogue is especially sweet. I won't tell you what happens and spoil the surprise. But what really surprised me was the Emmett and Rosalie relationship this story. There is a hint of kink to it as they both work through their issues coming together in the end. Pining Emmett is soo adorable. This story is smutty, sweet, funny, romantic and all around wonderful. The collab between the two authors is seamless. Giving it 5 panties out of 5. It's a must for every quirky Bella lover out there. Now Go Read!!

Beks - Aside from the fact that Erica is my internet bestie, this story has so much going for it. First off, the characters are realistic adaptations of the characters in the books, not foolish, over the top imitations, which drives me nuts about a lot of fics. From there I was pleasantly surprised to get good POVs from all six of the main characters. I love Edward and Bella always, but Rosalie and Emmett ended up being my favorite couple. They were playful and engaging and REALLY HOT. And I think most importantly, especially for this blog, snort, the sex in the story is so hot. It’s not smutty, its sexy. It feels like an adult wrote it, and in this case two adults who really know what sexy is. It’s an excellent read and so is their other collabo “The Highway Man”. Brava, ladies. Can’t wait for more. 5 out of 5.

Kathy -
This is a well rounded love story. Who can resist such snark as “Can I help you?” My customer service skills were limitless.” Any fic that references the movie Secretary automatically earns extra panties. Each of the canon pairs appear in this story, in lovely, flawed, broken and beautiful ways. I love the way the six of them didn't just fall into each other, though; there's an actual plot and story behind them becoming pairs. Did I mention that there are really hot lemons? Fuck, yes, the lemons are steamy, hot, delicious, juicy. There is drama, angst, love, sex, and so much more in this story. Loved the epilogue. 5/5 panties

Miya - I've been super busy the past few weeks with sick babies but I did manage to read about half of this story so far. I love it enough that I was up at three AM reading while bouncing a baby on my lap. It's definitely a must read and at the top of my to be finished as I have time. The lemons are mighty fine, I think I got off three times on the first six chapters alone. The story isn't just smut though, there is a plot that draws you in and keeps you reading the chapters without lemons. I can't wait to read more. A great read. 4/5 panties for what I've read so far.

Nina - "Stacks" has been one of my favorites since it was posted, and I believe I've read it three times over just because I enjoyed these incarnations of the characters so much. Not just Edward and Bella though, all of them collectively. So often the other characters fall to the sidelines to allow the core couple to blossom and take precedence, but with "Stacks" they all get equal face time and plot points. Kinky ass Rose and Emmett's vein of the story was hard to read at times, I felt for poor Emmett. I love reading the guy being the one putting himself out there, IT DOES HAPPEN and in this Emmett is pining for Rosie doing whatever necessary to win her in the end. Now, Alice and Jasper, who can resist the hot teacher? I sure as shit wouldn't be able to if it were Jasper, but the road to love isn't smooth and speed bump free for them either, but it would be fun if it were. So that leaves Edward and Bella and their pervy little rendezvous in the library holding hands and watching a couple hump while semi-hidden among the stacks. Yeah voyeurism never looked so good. Um, chapter 13. That's all I'm saying about that, well besides READ IT. This may sound silly but I also enjoyed the fact that the story starts and ends with Angela's point of view and her take on the relationships coming full circle. It's only 17 chapters and an epilogue and hopefully someday soon (hint hint) they'll be a sequel. 5/5 plus and extra 5 for kinky ass Rose and her 'toy chest'.

P.S. Read the Highwayman. SERIOUSLY

Stephie - "Stacks" was one of the first fics i found that was great plot and great smut. It has been a favorite from the first time I read it. The characters are great; the authors adding in their own flavors to each one of them. And of course where would we be without the delicious smut? I only wish that my college library was that fucking hot. And instead of going on and on...keeping you from reading this epic fic...I'll shut up. Just read it. Now. 5/5 panties

Steph - I loved this story the first time I read it, and I loved it even more reading it again for this. This story sucks you in immediately and there are lots of little twists to keep you coming back for more. The characterization of our favorite Twi couples is brilliant. I think I love Bella the most. Snarky, spunky, a little bit odd, but oh so lovable. You just keep rooting for her and Edward to finally get it together. Then you get all the subplots with the other couples. Add in AMAZINGLY HOT SEX and you've got one hell of a fantastic story. You cannot go wrong with this one. 5 out of 5 wet panties from me.

In addition to our Round Table Review above, we've also asked the authors to share with us a bit about themselves, their reaction to the selection of "Love Among the Stacks"

Acireamos (aka Erica) and Anuddaone (aka Aly) are the writers of "Love Among the Stacks", an autobiography of sorts. Ok, not really. But making it with Edward/Henry Cavill/Channing Tatum in a library is our dream. We started off as writer and beta, and decided that we were tired of reading about Doormat Bella. That girl has got nothing to be ashamed of. Edward loves her, come on. We all wish we were that lucky. So, we started brainstorming. I (Erica) worked in a university library with a bunch of lunatic Librarians so we thought why not? Bella likes books, right? We have a little chat at the end of each chapter so we decided to go that route with our bio.

AC: Ok, well, lets see, a little bit about Aly. Well, she's a professional sock puppet crafter and her favorite song is Golddigger.

AN: eh, accurate enough. And then we have Erica, master smut repair lady and...and...yeah, i have nothing...she's the funny one...

AC: Hardly. We actually share a brain. It has it's pros and cons. But mostly it's been great. Collaborating on Stacks was really easy, we sort of bounced back and forth, sometimes we would do a chapter each, sometimes a pov each. I did get a little attached to Rose and Em, I had sort of worked out their storyline and got really into it. I couldn't help myself...Emmett, sweaty, wearing basketball shorts and looking like Channing Tatum...hold on, give me a minute...

AN: k, while she recovers, I'll take my turn. I do have to agree that it was super easy to write. And while we all still fan ourselves a bit when we think of Stacks' Em and Rose, one of my fave things was Jasper and his (albeit, short lived) lusting for Bella. At the time, it never seemed like any one but Edward was attracted to her in the stories i was reading and I felt like that was just kinda wrong...she's the girl next door and boy's like Jas would appreciate that...especially the pre-Alice Jas…

AC: You mean before he was "Cradle-Robbing-Jasper"! Oops...don't want to give away the whole story! Well, we had lots of fun putting our characters in weird places both emotionally and sexually so we hope it is fun for you to read!

AN: We have been tossing around the idea of doing a sequel because we miss the gang so much! But it would definitely come after we are done writing The Highwayman. Yep, we are collaborating again. This time it's a period piece. I know, what we were thinking? It's coming along really slowly b/c of real life and the fact that we don't talk like people from the 18th century but it's coming. We have the whole thing laid out, it's just going to take us a while to get through it!

AC: Now if someone wants to donate a winning lottery ticket, we could pump that thing out whilst playing whist and having tea and crumpets...did that sound 18th century-ish? Any takers? No? It was worth a try.

AN: And so is Stacks! Like that? How i did that? Like how I worked in the story?

AC: You sound like Stewie...and I am kind of okay with it. As long as that doesn't make me Brian, Meg, Peter, Lois, or Chris, Quagmire, Cleveland, Joe or the crazy old pervert guy.

AN: We are digressing...not uncommon, but maybe not what they are looking for. We did aim for sex in every chapter though. We fell a little short, but in some chapters we doubled up so hopefully it all balances out. It's hard to do it every chapter.

AC: I'm not saying a word. I swear. And you know how HARD that is for me...

AN: I do. Well, we hope you enjoy it...let us know what you think!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

"Let's Get Physical" by gemmabobella and useless info about manyafandom

I guess it’s my turn to force myself upon you all with tit-bits and info on yours truly. It really was Izzy’s turn but alas she is buried under Law school crap and is in hiding until the semester is over. So you get me instead. Fun for y’all. Hehe. First a little about me and then I will tell you all about the story that you should be reading if you haven’t yet; “Let’s Get Physical” by gemmabobella.

So where to begin? Hmmm…let’s see. That's me over there on the right btw. My username or penname is manyafandom. My real name is Hope, but you can call me Hopey. I’m a 32yo SAHM with 3 kiddos. Happily married to the biggest geek in the world. Which is okay cause I am geek right there with him. The two words most used to describe me are 'Odd' and 'Quirky'. I want to be a History Teacher, Librarian or Nina when I decide to grow up. I love all Twific, but lean more towards the AU-AH variety with a dash of the deviant thrown in. To copy Nina, cause seriously why would I not want to copy Nina, that bitch rocks. I love the beach, BSG, chucks (I have 8 pairs), all things Star Wars, Lifesavers Pep-O-Mints (those things are fucking addictive), my tongue ring, any kind of trivia game, the words ‘Fuck’ & ‘Awesome’, Coca-Cola and my boobs. What? They’re nice boobs; ask the PP they’ve seen them. I can’t go a day without listening to Portishead, Al Green, and Save Ferris. And I will miss Elliot Smith until the day I die. I'm pretty easy going and get excitable pretty easily. But over all I think I’m pretty cool. And I don't think I said 'pretty' enough times right there.

For those who don’t know I am the writer, and I use that term loosely, of the angst fest known as “The Arrangement” and the fluffy Jasper/Edward fic “All I Ever Knew”. “The Arrangement” started as a one-shot and grew into the monster it is today. It’s a 3some fic with Jasper/Bella/Edward and an unhealthy dose of angst and miscommunication. To counteract all the angst and heartfail I started “All I Ever Knew”. Because really nothing is hotter than Edward and Jasper kissing and rubbing up on each other while being utterly romantic and adorable. And in my eyes Jasper is the new Edward.

Anyways on to “Let’s Get Physical” by gemmabobella, the real purpose of this post. First off let me say that I abso-fucking-lutely love Gems. I worship her as a person and as a writer. I have the hugest fangirl crush on her and would have her babies if it were possible. And she has been one of the biggest supporters of the PP. I am here to talk about “Let’s Get Physical” but her other stories are extremely well thought out and written and I recommend all of them.

But enough about that, let’s talk about “Let’s Get Physical”. First off you should know that this is not an Edward and Bella story. This is an Emmett and Bella story. Yep you read that right, Emmett and Bella. I was not a big fan of the big teddy bear known as Emmett before this fic for so many reasons. But Gemma’s fluffy, steamy story changed my mind and I am now an Emmett devotee.

Bella is a klutz, we all know this. It’s part of the reason why we love her. So Bella being the klutz that she is messes up her ACL and must get physical therapy. She is not new to the whole PT routine as having gone through it numerous times before. But this time she gets paired up with a hunky piece of man meat Physical Therapist known as Emmett.

When she first sees him in the waiting room she is instantly attracted to him and wants him. Wants him naked and on top of her. But Shy Bella wins out and she just enjoys the view from afar. That is until she falls again and right into the muscled arms of Emmett.

They banter and bicker a bit while eye fucking each other. Both wanting the other, but too afraid or embarrassed to do anything about it. They get sweaty…during therapy both wanting to get sweaty in a purely pleasurable way. There is hydro therapy with Bella and Emmett wet in the pool, the UST so think you choke on it. They are both cute and shy and it makes your heart go awww and twitterpate.

It seems the fates are trying to get these two kooky kids together as Bella’s BF Alice and Emmett’s BF Jasper start dating without Em and Bella realizing it. But Alice and Jasper do and are in cahoots to get the two together. Also Bella’s Gay ex-boyfriend Edward is there to help things along.

This story is fluffy and steamy and cute and short (1 chapter left) and has UST out the wahzoo and is the perfect little diversion from real life. Bella and Emmett are just too cute. You root for them to get together while laughing your ass off at their inner thoughts. Gay Edward is an awesome comedic addition. But really I love a Gayward…dur. Gemma knows her shit and the writing is phenomenal.

Really if you haven’t read it already, go do it. You will not be sorry. This is me, trust me. I would never lead you astray. Now Go Read!

Smooches and Licks

Friday, February 6, 2009

"Place Your Bets" by vanilla beans and KatieBelleCullen

This week's Perv Pack Recommendation is...

Title: "Place Your Bets"
Author: Vanilla Beans and KatieBelleCullen
Chapters: 8
Words: 42,972
Reviews: 362 (on VB profile) 260 (on KBC profile)

Summary: Manwhore Edward bets Emmett that he can remain abstinent for 40 days and nights;that was before the vixen Bella moved to Forks and set her sights on the delectable Edward Cullen. AU/OOC. M for EXTREME SMUT/PROFANITY

(*Added by Nina*) This glorious ditty was found on VanillaBeans' profile and NEEDED to be added here because you know what, she's totally right damnit and it really makes me want to kiss her.
Sorry if that disclaimer sounded like I was
being a jerkoff. I appreciate all of you - I just thought I should throw that out there. Now there's ANOTHER place where there's an OOC/Smut/Profanity
warning. :)

Bri- Umm....I love this piece of writing so fucking much it hurts. And, I mean seriously hurts. Between my aching ribs from laughing and the ache between my legs from the UST, I'm one sorry smutpusher. The collaboration in this story is utterly amazing. I was a fan of KatieBelleCullen before PYB from her masterpiece "Warmth", so I knew I wouldn't be sorry for starting this one. What I didn't anticipate was finding my comedic counterpart in vanillabeans. I mean, honestly, talk of the bedazzler? How can it get any better than that? I also love the Bella in the story - strong, feisty and a complete bitch. She's saucy - she knows what she wants (Edward's peen) and she's gonna stop at nothing to get it. The characters they've created, the banter they bring to each chapter and the ultra hot UST is so fucking over the top I can't hardly stand it. (oh, and I've got the inside scoop on the imminent sexin' and it is hotter than anything I've read in fanfic. Yes, that's right. I said it) This gets a 5/5 from me.

First off - I am going to ruddy bitch slap Bri, as SHE KNOWS ABOUT THE SEXING AND HAS NOT SHARED THE WONDROUS DETAILS?!!! Secondly I am going to tell you to bleeding read this story! It. Is. Fucking knock-your-block-off fantabulous! I like it a lot - in case you cannot tell. I love both their Edward (HOT & DIRTY!) & their Bella (feisty & feline & using every single one of her feminine wiles to bring Edward to his knees)... My stand out scene (SO FAR!) is the peach body lotion scene(s) - both their POV's of it.. A close second is the scene in the warehouse when more is revealed about our numb-nutted eejit and his fearless female glutton for punishment... I love how their deeper motivations and emotions are teasingly revealed, without it being slapdash, maudlin or overbearing on the tale. This is one of the tales, where I do a little squee when an update arrives. (normally reserved for a pack update) & I get excited at just the thought of their potential shagging shenanigans... (oh & VB's smut monday Edward side shot is a great addition to this tale) Deffo a giggle & a jiggle in my 4.5 damp silk knickers out of 5.. (it will be 5+ when the sexing happens!)

Emily- I love this story and have been reading from the beginning. Once I heard the PPSS was going to review it I went back and reread it all and it holds up a second time around. UST? It has it. Plot? It has it. Bad Boy Edward? It has it. Feisty Bella? It has it. Compelling read? MOST DEFINITELY HAS IT. Highly recommended 5 panties out of 5 cause well that is how many I have had to change with the anticipation of the fucking that is sure to be epic!

Hope-So we have all read stories where Edward is an Ass and Bella is a Bitch and they're hot for each other but don't want to admit it. Where the gang is all hyper sexual and they drink and do drugs. Where Bella is the new girl in town and sends Edward's man whoring world a spinning. Well "Place Your Bets" is one of those stories. One of those stories that seem to be everywhere in the fandom lately. Wait, wait for it ... but for being one of those stories PYB is by far one of the best. Yes I said it.

In my opinion PYB is the one of the best out of the Assward/Bitchella genre. It is a must read for everyone. It is smart and snarky and provacative and funny and Hot. The tension between Edward & Bella is palpable and you feel it down to your neither regions. This story is all about the Unresolved Sexual Tension. You so want them to take that next step. To just fucking do it already. But they haven't ... yet.

They tease and dance around each other throwing barbs in unparalleled verbal foreplay. Bella is relentless in her pursuit of Edward and mystified as to his disinterest in her. Which frankly pisses her off and makes her use all of her tricks and wiles on him trying to make him succumb. There is a bet. The stakes are high. Bella is clueless to it. But do not think that this is a copy or rip off of another story in the genre. It's not. It is its own entity.
So go read it. Just do it. And don't forget to read the "Smut Monday" spot for it either. It is a def panty dripper. Oh and I will never ever look at peach lotion the same way again. I am giving it a 5 out of 5 panties because the UST is beyond amazing. And when our duo finally get down to doing the deed it will indeed be explosive.

Beks- Due to a raging sickness, all I read this week was the inside of my eyelids, but I am anxious to dig into this story and the other fics KatieBelleCullen and VanillaBeans have to offer.

Jo- UST......that's all I gotta say so far. FUCK!!!! This fic is fuckhot and wetting my fucking panties hardcore in anticipation of the smut. GAH!!!! The recent almost kiss fucking killed my ass. Like died...dead....HARDCORE. Jesuschrist I need some release!!!! I would suggest if UST drives you fucking insane (as it does me) then wait a few chaps before starting this fucking TEASE of a fic!!! Yes, it's a total fucking tease so far, but I KNOW it's gonna be fuckgood once the hotness starts. I know, cuz I'm just good like that. I'm withholding the panties till I get some fucking relief, sorry gals. Oh, and her Thundercats and Transformer references make me all happy and giddy. Oh, yes, and gonna have to agree with Kathy here that Drunksper knocks my fucking socks off...or rather, my fucking hot and adorable.

Kasey- I'm currently pretty overwhelmed with playthings and boy-toys (*winky-wink*) so I didn't get a chance to read the fic fully by the time the review was due. Therefore, I'm choosing to opt-out of reviewing this week in fairness to the talented writers (but I'm still reading the story for my own pleasure because so far, I'm drooling).

Kathy- I love the premise of this story; I admit, I'm a bit of a high school fic junkie to begin with, but this one is exceptionally well written and the characters are fleshed out very well. Edward is a douche, but not over the top. I hesitate to even call Bella a bitch.. I like to think of her more as a strong personality. I hold a special spot in my heart for Drunksper. I love the idea behind giving Edward a bet and then basically introducing a catalyst to challenge him and force him to see outside of himself – an opportunity for personal growth, if you will.
The two main characters, Bella and Edward, are both extremely well written. The infamous “lotion wank” in chapter 7 alone merits 5 panties – 5 wet, ripped off panties.
I want to smack Edward on the back of the head and whisper in his ear... “find the loophole, dumbass,” just to see these two kids get some mutual pleasure together. The latest chapter finds our fun duo bonding. I loved so much about it and don't want to spoil it in case there are (crazy) people reading that haven't yet been hooked into PYB, but chapter 8 was pretty epic for me. I can't wait to see where these two fine ladies take us next on this journey, and where their characters 'grow' from here. 5/5

Miya- Miya is lost under a mountain of the twins' bottles, diapers, and toys. I hesitate to leave a full review after reading just a few of the available chapters, so I will default to 3/5 panties until I have the chance to read more of what is in store.

Nina- Two high school related fics in two weeks. Oy, my lovies are killing me. But, again this is another one that I can at least get behind (snort). The concept of the bet is hilarious and the fact that Edward even considered it intrigued the fuck out of me. Frankly I'm not sure how any sexually active 18 yr. old could go 40 minutes withough getting laid let alone 40 days. Then adding insult to injury, dangle one scorchingly hot bitch who wants to fuck your brains out and poor Eddie is dancing around with massively blue balls. What I was really happy with was their individual histories, they weren't just automatically thrown together right from chapter one, we understood each of them first, then get cockslapped with their banter and hijinks. Their unapologetic inner dialogue cracks me up, Edward wondering if she'd like to taste his dick, at some point I'd love for him to get blasted and actually say it out loud.
By now you know that I'm a total whore (snort) for UST, these two are fucking dripping with it. I almost DON'T want them to fuck because KBC and vb are writing it so well I'm afraid of the actual humping. (Although there is a Smut Monday outtake that is smoking)
If I'm being honest though, their fucking depiction of Jessica "Man Hands" Stanley is fantastical. Reading chapter one I nearly choked on my Pravda after reading him trying to lead her in a phone sex convo. Fucking idiot.

So I give the story itself a 4/5 because there actually hasn't been boning yet, but I give Jessica Stanley a 10 for being a heinously clueless mother fucker.

Steph -I started reading this pretty much from the beginning and it had me hook, line, and sinker. These two just grab you and pull you right in to their sticky little situation. I love me a bad-ass, take no names Bella and this one delivers and then some. Then we have Edward. Seriously, what kind of idiot agrees to a bet like this? Apparently this one and we love him for it. The tension between these two is thick enough to cut it with a knife and it leaves you on edge with them. The buildup has been absolutely amazing and I can only imagine how hot it's going to be once we get to the sex. This is one story I can't get enough of, they could update every day and it wouldn't be enough. This one definitely gets a 5 out 5 panties from me.

Tasha- I love this story so much it hurts. Like, that good hurt after you've just been laid for hours and can't move cause everything tingles hurt. It's funny and smutty and well written, and the tension? Gah the tension. Half of me is screaming "just do it already" and the other half is loving the near misses so much I never want them near each other. Edward jacking it with Bella's lotion has to be the best thing in fanfiction. I'd read it just for drunk, insane Jasper, who keeps the story from being too angsty. I adore Katie and 'Nilla's characterizations, the selfishness and insecurity and fucked up mess that is Edward and Bella. I love the side characters and the way they add to the story. I'd give it a panty review, but I'm afraid I mailed all mine to the authors as incentive to keep writing. This one needs to be read, reviewed, and adored.

In addition to our Round Table Review above, we've also asked the authors to share with us a bit about themselves, their reaction to both the selection of "Place Your Bets" and to our blog in general.

Reaction: We both danced a little bit. Katie giggled, because she giggles a lot. VB cursed, because she curses a lot. VB also did a little dance full of pelvic gyrations and everything. Reactions to the blog? Katie yelled at VB for half an hour on her way to work because she couldn't stay home and read it. She then spent the entire night with an alcoholic beverage perusing the smut and proclaiming her love in between fits of giggles. Because that's what she does.


Katie: A married mom of two, who happens to be the hottest MILF evah.

VB: A hot 20-something year old who refuses to have children and spends her days being awesome and looking like a rockstar.

Twilighted Story Thread