Sunday, December 11, 2011

Team PackPerv: Sexy Seth Clearwater

We are Pervs that dig the danger and maybe even the fur that comes with being a Pack lover. Team PackPerv isn’t afraid to take on the shape shifters of Quileute. We welcome all the sexy possibilities that come walking on the wild side. So join us in the sunlight and run with the wolves. As always clothing is optional.

In this very special Team PackPerv post we’re going to turn our attention on the youngest member of the wolf pack: Seth Clearwater. While his part in the Twilight saga was relatively small, Seth has taken on a whole new life in fan fiction. Here we have a sampling of some sexy, smutty Seth Clearwater fic that we know you will enjoy.

Chemistry of a Car Crash by Dahlia J Black Shows a human Seth that is the object of his co-worker, Angela’s secret obsession. The intense connection and obvious attraction between these two smothers through the story, give us some insane UST. Watching these two dance around each other is hypnotic and maddening. You know they want it, they know they want it, but Dahlia J Black is a harsh mistress who makes us wait for it.

When the tension builds up, taking them to the breaking point, they finally confront each other and the resulting sex scene is fucking explosive. Dahlia J Black gives us an adult Seth. A mature, commanding man who is in charge of his sexual power, but underneath it all he still loves with the intensity of the wolfboy we know and love.

Let’s face it....... we all know, and love Say Something Else by vampireisthenewblack. While many of us often rave and swoon over the love between Edward and Alec, few highlight the important roll that Seth plays in the story.

Seth is the one that saves Edward from his down-spiral of grief and self-accusation. His kindness and willingness to share Edward’s heart is one of the most powerful acts of love I have ever seen in fiction. This incarnation of Seth is one of the generous partners that you will ever find in fan fiction.

I Possed My Lover in the Garden by SqueakyZorro is a story about new beginnings and the healing of wounds. Here, Seth is Esme’s sun, or rather her gardener, but his warmth brings her back to life. This story is about the slow, smother of passion and love. Again Seth is a generous and open lover, who seeks only to give Esme what she needs and doesn’t make demands of her. That is the beauty of Seth as a lover, his giving and kindness is a rarity in regards to most romantic leads in Twific. He doesn’t force his lovers into submission, he simply gives them whatever they need, that is the very soul of unconditional love.

Once We Were Kings by Sweetp-1 could be called a classic Seth fic. This is an AU fic, where wolf Seth and vamp Edward fall in love. It’s not an instant attraction, but develops slowly as they get to know one another and become friends, confidants, lovers. Off at university, Seth imprints on a young lady at a coffee shop. It’s heartbreaking--we feel both Edward and Seth’s pain so acutely--but it’s written so beautifully you can’t possibly hate the author for hurting our sweet boys. Aaaand there’s also the additional five chapters, wherein our hearts are may be healed.

A Split Second of Indecision by Dahlia J Black is a portrait of inner turmoil, that shows the agony of coming to terms with a reality too long denied. As he prepares to walk down the aisle to marry Bella, Jacob’s mind and body pull him toward his other best friend, Seth. Jacob’s reminiscing of their shared history show Seth’s strength of character and sweet sense of humor and fun. He proves irresistible.

The erotic build is slow, but once these boys find their comfort zone, the physical intensity is only matched by the deep emotion.

The Whipping Boy by Fr333bird and beckybrit Some of canon Seth’s most endearing qualities have to be his sense of loyalty and capacity for acceptance. His positive attitude sees his pack though many tense moments, and these traits are definitely present in The Whipping Boy, an dark, and intense AU fic.

While there is agony in this story, it only serves to highlight these traits as Seth undergoes torture at the hands of the Volturi in order to protect the secret location of Renesmee and Jacob while Edward is forced to watch. Their bonds are forged in agonizing circumstances, and the discovery of their feelings for one another are a revelation for them both. We love the way that these two create a universe for themselves, reveling in their love as if it didn't matter if it was the end of their lives, or the beginning of their future together.

These six stories are just a small sample of the Seth fic that’s available. If you want to dive deeper into Seth fic, check out some of these stories:

The Romantic by vampireisthenewblack
Yes Master by fiberkitty
Sunkissed Skin and a Dimpled Smle by NanaMun
Falling on Ice by CherBella
The Tutor by buildmeapyramid
Hot Fun in the Summertime by rhythm junkie
The Return of Edward Masen by manyafandom
Green Meets Hazel by tuesdaymidnight
Beautiful Distraction by TwiBoy
Epiphanies & Grenades by FarDareisMai2
Carnival Games by OnTheTurningAway
Never Who You Think You Are by SweetMoi
If Only by Seylin

Let us know the names of your favorite Seth fics, and even better, go write some Seth smut!


Seylin said...

*First in a WIP series

Title: One’s a Lonely Number
Author: Seylin
Summary: Finding love is never as easy as the books make it out to be. Sometimes you find it, sometimes you don’t. Other times you find only pain.
Rating: PG
Warning: Pre-slash. Seth/Jacob (one-sided - kinda). Jasper/Edward (one-sided). Seth/? (evil).
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Stephenie Meyer. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Beta: starry_nights88

diamondheart said...

The Color of Rain by chef diamond heart

Seth's grown up and he's in love – with an 'outsider'. Now he just needs to tell her a few things about himself … Winner "Best Seth", JBNP Awards. Winner Judges’ Pick, Team SOB Rain Scene Challenge! Rated for hot-sweet tartness...