Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ask Naughty Nurse Kimpy 4/12/12


Ask Naughty Nurse Kimpy is an advice column that addresses reader’s most burning questions on sexual health/relationships. STIs, birth control, is it real or is it fic, sexual positions--you name it. There are no stupid questions, only ones that are too embarrassing to asks someone you know. If Naughty Nurse Kimpy doesn’t know the answer, she’ll find an expert who does!

The information and advice from Ask Naughty Nurse Kimpy is for entertainment/educational purposes only and is not intended to be used as expert medical advice. It is not meant to replace the advice of your physician. All medical advice and information should be considered to be incomplete without a physical exam, which is not possible without a visit to your doctor.

Naughty Nurse Kimpy has a few goodies to recommend to her readers before we dive right into questions.

Nurse Kimpy’s Pervtastic friends at the Smut Shack have been busy finding fun stuff for her to share with you. There’s a great website/resource with ideas for people who are having sexual issues with their partners, done by widely respected Dr. John Gottman Gott sex. It’s a great resource, and I encourage each of you to check it out.

As most of Nurse Kimpy’s readers are women, we don’t really need any reminders that the clitoris is an amazing body part. However, she encourages all her readers--female and male alike-- to take a peek at this information on the clitoris, so you can be in even more awe than you already are about the female gender’s ability to orgasm.

While Naughty Nurse Kimpy is generally not a judgmental person, she does have a few hot button issues that get her a little excited. Mention things like “normal,” “peens the size of Texas,” or the worst offender out there--”the hymen,” and she’s bound to get a little wound up. A faithful reader, Bonnie, recently tweeted the link to an amazing project. It’s about a documentary called How To Lose Your Virginity. While it’s not a primer on the physical act of losing your virginity, it does take a close look at American culture’s obsession with both virginity and promiscuity. There’s also a blog that accompanies the documentary, The American Virgin. Check it out--it’s very thought-provoking.

It’s no secret that Naughty Nurse Kimpy is a total sexnerd. So when mycrookedsmile tweets me the linkie to Good Vibrations, the antique vibrator museum, she gets all sorts of excited. Check it out--amazing and also funny.

Hello NNK!! I was wondering about the iron supplement pills you recommended to someone in your last post. See, I'm an 18 year old girl and I take them as prescribed by my doctor because my blood test showed I had low iron. However, I do not get heavy periods. Are there other reasons as to why I would have low iron??

Adolescent and women of childbearing age are most susceptible to iron deficiency. In general there are two main reasons for the low iron levels in these groups: 1. Menstruation, and 2. Pregnancy. When you menstruate, you lose blood and thus iron levels in your blood decrease. It doesn’t matter if you don’t bleed heavily, you are still losing blood every month. During pregnancy, you aren’t losing any blood, but you’re making extra, to support both yourself and the fetus. Because of this, your iron requirements increase accordingly.

Another reason your levels are low could be that you don’t get enough iron in your diet to cover the losses from your period. If you’re a vegetarian, for example, it’s very hard to meet your iron requirements simply through the diet alone. Vegetarian sources of iron aren’t absorbed as easily by the body as is the iron in meat. Even if you aren’t a vegetarian, and you eat meat regularly, you can have low levels of iron.

Are there any other reasons why your iron levels are low? Absolutely. In a woman of your age, however, the best answer is that you low level is related to your period and/or diet. When you take a supplement, you should see a marked improvement in your iron levels. If you don’t, you and your doctor need to do some more investigation on what might be causing you to have chronically low levels. I wouldn’t waste time worrying about what the specific cause is--for most women, taking an iron supplement resolves the issue.

Hi there, I'm a bit worried as I've been noticing that my pee has been coming out quite smelly recently...can't quite place the smell but it's quite strong and not very pleasant. The thing is, I've had UTI before, but I'm not sure this fits under that b/c it doesn't sting when I pee nor am I frequently running for the toilet. So now I'm a bit panicked, could this possibly be signs of an STD? I've been sexually active with my boyfriend for over a year now, but we always use condoms, however I know they aren't 100% foolproof when it comes to preventing STDs. (P.S. me and my boyfriend have been completely faithful to each other, so I'm not sure where this problem could have occurred from!) Thank you!

Typically, urine should be straw yellow and have no strong smell. If your urine is darker than that, it could signal that you’re dehydrated. When urine is more concentrated, it does tend to have a stronger smell. You could try increasing the amount of fluids you drink every day to see if that changes the color and/or smell you’re experiencing.

Another reason that urine can have a strong odor is when you have a urinary tract infection. Based on your observations, however, it doesn’t seem likely that an infection is the culprit, either. Urine odor can also change for reasons like kidney disease or diabetes. When you have an excess of glucose in your urine, as you do when you have untreated diabetes, your urine takes on a yeasty smell. A simple urinalysis test can easily rule out UTI, diabetes, or kidney function issues.

You mentioned in your question a concern about STDs, but that most likely isn’t your problem, based upon the fact that you use a condom and you’re in a monogamous relationship. It is possible that the odor you smell isn’t related to your urine, but actually is coming from your vagina. The best way to find out is to pee into a cup, and let it sit for a few minutes. If it smells normal, that means the culprit is most likely your cooter. It could be that you have some type of vaginal infection, like a yeast infection, vaginosis or trichomoniasis. Regardless of where the smell is originating from, you should follow up with your physician since you’ve had the smell longer than a few days. They will be able to do a urinalysis and/or further tests, as appropriate.

Do you have a question for Naughty Nurse Kimpy? Click the banner below, fill out the form, and get your answer in the next installment of Ask Naughty Nurse Kimpy.



Anonymous said...

Maybe you have been eating the spring season's lovely asparagus? :-) That makes pee smell quite terribly.
Sometimes it's not an illness - it's just what we eat.

kimpy said...

While it's true that asparagus ingestion can make for smelly pee, its effects are sort-lived. For the reader, her urine had been smelly for what seemed like a longer time than you would experience with asparagus. :)