Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Get To Know EJ_Santry

Hello, all, I am EJ Santry (aka, Bethie). I am a soon-to-be 34 year old (my birthday is mid month) SAHM of two beautiful girls (6 and 3). Oh the irony of working four jobs to get through college just to wave to my diploma on the wall as I pass it to play the 1000th game of Candyland with my 3 year old. Before my days of bon-bons and leisure (sarcasm), I was a programmer. On occasion, I am suckered back into that work.

I have written (goes to check) 12 stories. When did that happen?! I am not well known for my writing, but most people know me from my reviewing. I am very avid reader/reviewer in the fandom, and a huge believer in the well thought out review. The ladies (I use that term loosely) like to tease my about my organization of my reading and reviewing, but it is how I keep track of what I am reading, what I want to read, or what I have read in the past. Evidence is on my blog: http://ejfanfic.blogspot.com. In the last year and a half, I have submitted almost 1400 reviews on FF.net, and typically have close to 100 stories on alert. I will read just about anything. I have found only RLF and tossed salad make me tap out.

I am infamously known for hating any kind of teaser/spoiler. Hmonster4 even quoted my soap boxing in her recent TLYDF article about HEAs. I love to be surprised by moments. I like to feel my heart clinch in pain along with the characters, and the happy tears fall when they experience joy. Just today, I finished a fic that had me crying so hard my eyes felt like they had been exfoliated and my head still hurts 12 hours later. I wouldn't trade experiencing that moment by being forewarned.

I also am known to be very trustworthy with secrets and plot lines. On occasion, I allow my no-spoiler policy down to brainstorm with the authors of the fics I am reading or to preview (I don't beta. I have shitty grammar [NOTE: spell check was needed to spell “grammar” correctly], punctuation, etc.). I hold keys to several castles. Don't cha wish you knew which ones? ::evil laugh::

Most of all, I love all of the friends I have made in the fandom. I am one of those people who has never met a stranger. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and it is big enough to wrap inside of it every wonderful person I come across. I am a lucky perv, indeed.


Jenn said...
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Katie said...

Hooray for my Bethie! :D You picked yourselves a good one, women. I expect to have her returned to me in the pristine condition in which I lent her to you. xoxo