Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Get To Know FloridaChickie

People who know me, know I am not one to "squee." Scream, high five, and tap my feet on the floor in excitement? Yes! But "squee"? No. Hell, I had never even heard that term till I found this fandom. But I will admit, I just might have "squee'd" or whatever the hell that is after being asked to become an Honorary Pervling of the Smut Shack. I have loved this blog ever since the day I found it, attracted by one of its early images of a girl in a collar and the nasty, filthy, lustful hoors that chock this blog full with their non G-rated words.

So a little about this bitch who goes by the moniker, FloridaChickie. I grew up in LALA'land, the place of earthquakes, sun, and fake boobs. During my 20's, Boston was my home for grad school and my first big girl job. It was there, I found me a man, and after getting hitched in Cape Cod, we decided to move to the land of hurricanes, sun, and fake boobs. Floriduh! During the work week, I am a social worker trying to solve the ills of society. Feel free to wish me luck. In my free time, I like to go see bands live (which isn't easy in S. FL), protest on street corners, visit Walt Disney World, hang out with my rabbit (buzz buzz), take my westie to the dog park, read/write fanfic, and yell back at hubs when he says that RPatz "is the Keanu Reeves of this generation."

In my late teens and 20's, I was very much into the punk hardcore scene. Its DIY attitude shaped me during my formidable years, and I was surrounded by lots of super cool peeps that didn't give a shit about how society wanted to label them. I also was inspired by many fuckawesome women, who were creative, independent, and sex positive. I learned from them to not be ashamed about who I am and my body, which also included exploring my pervy side. I have to say, that scene reminds me of this scene. While music may have been swapped for fic, and fanzines replaced by blogs like TPPSS, the similarities are definitely there. It is so refreshing to chat with awesome women in this fandom every day whether it be on message boards or over twitter. In its best form, we lift each other other up when someone is having a bad day and support important causes, all while also swapping naughty stories and the like. (I know this scene has its share of drama too, but I don't fucking support it.)

I got into Twi in Fall 2008, having picked up the books later than most of you. My FF account shows that I joined NY's Eve 2008. It was that night, I discovered the world of fanfic, and my hubs had to beg me to step away from the computer so we could finish the bottle of champagne. My first fics were a result of google searching to see if anyone had filled in the gaps of the ultimate clam jam, the honeymoon on Isle Esme. I needed to get my fix because it sure as hell wasn't going to come from S.M. All I can say is "thank you" to vixen1836 for satisfying that pervy craving! A few months later, LolaShoes further helped to fill in that gap as well!

Since then, I have loved reading all these new worlds that authors have created, taking my favorite characters and dropping them in to watch them play. I have laughed, cried, and done a few loads of panty laundry over certain fics. Many of you know that I would easily run off with Domward if possible. He was my first true love, and I will forever be indebted to tarasueme for that. You never forget your first especially if that good. My earliest fanfic stories centered around Edward & Bella, but as I have 'grown' as a reader, I very much enjoy reading stories that revolve around other Twi characters. Hopey and I hosted the "Love for the Unloved" contest last summer, and it was awesome getting to see the 'lesser' characters have some fun in the spotlight. I am definitely an anything goes kinda girl. If the fic is good, I love romance, angst, slash, alternate pairings, and crackfic. I am not a wussperv. Bring on the tears and gut wrenching pain!

So after diving further into the world of Twi fic as a reader, I decided to dust off my ol' writing skills. With the help of the ever awesome siouxchef, I wrote my first one shot for the Age of Edward contest, Flying High with Silver Wings. I would read from other authors how their characters would speak to them, and I was surprised to find the same was true for me. I just couldn't seem to leave that story behind, so I headed back to 1965 and the land of stewardesses and pilots to expand on this story. As one with a fascination of all things 60s related, it has been a blast researching for this fic and taking a time machine (not in a hot tub) back to that era. I have also written a couple of one shots that have allowed me to play with Jasper and Edward in a college radio station, let Charlie dish out mustache rides, and give Bob BarkerWard the chance to show Bella some fun times on the Plinko set. While I probably have some readers who have noticed that I have been on a writer's hiatus for the past couple months, it is because real life has kicked my ass as of late (in a good way). I can promise that I am not ditching FHSW! I now have the story fully outlined and ready to go again! Aside from writing, I also have the honor of beta'ing from time to time for the awesomely talented hopeful wager and siouxchef.

Aside for my love of reading/writing fic, you also may know me for my love of posting naughty or fic inspired Edward/Bella doll pictures. If you haven't seen them before, feel free to check them out on my LJ page.

Alright, enough bullshit about me. I Just want to give a big ol' wet smooch to the awesome people I have become friends with in this fandom and to the Shack'ers for inviting me to throw in my 2 cents about some fics during the month of April. xoxo, FLC


Jennifer said...

OMG please say you'll create more pattz magazine shoots with barbie dolls! that pic had me laughing so hard i woke up the hubs!
totally worth it!

Kay Cannon said...

That barbie's thong is hot. I can't believe they sell stuff like that. LMAO!