Ask Naughty Nurse Kimpy is an advice column that addresses reader’s most burning questions on sexual health/relationships. STDs, birth control, is it real or is it fic, sexual positions--you name it. There are no stupid questions, only ones that are too embarrassing to ask someone you know. If Naughty Nurse Kimpy doesn’t know the answer, she’ll find an expert who does!
The information and advice from Ask Naughty Nurse Kimpy is for entertainment/educational purposes only and is not intended to be used as expert medical advice. It is not meant to replace the advice of your physician. All medical advice and information should be considered to be incomplete without a physical exam, which is not possible without a visit to your doctor.
Some reader feedback from last week’s post:
Not a question but rather a response to the ingrown hair question...
I know exactly what that reader means. I wax often and was constantly getting ingrown hairs and exfoliating and moisturizing didn't help. I was looking for a good ingrown hair treatment and got turned onto mens lines. They're often for sensitive skin and made for post shaving so they are super moisturizing. The best one I have found so far is Anthony Logistics for Men Ingrown Hair Treatment. You can find it at Sephora for under $30 and it can even be ordered online from their website.
I hope this helps as I truly understand how painful ingrowns can be
Thank you very much for sharing. My readers are always so good about helping each other out, and it makes Naughty Nurse Kimpy tingly happy inside.
Is it weird to watch porn? Also, is there such a thing as a safe adult video site?
Dear naughty nurse, I am a 19 year old virgin just now indulging in masturbation, but I seem to have trouble visualizing during. I would go to a porn websites, but I am too afraid that I would get a virus on my computer, and I cant afford to send it out to get fixed, any websites you can suggest that are free and without viruses?

Is there such a thing as a safe adult video site? That answer is more nebulous. In general, I'm extremely leery of using online video sites because of the propensity to pick up viruses there (and by viruses, I mean the electronic, not the infectious disease kind!). In general, the Pervs agree with me. You can refer to the previous question for a few more resources, but in general, just be very, very careful, and don't even try to access that kind of stuff at work or in any other environment where it would be a bad idea to be caught perusing porn. Just because I don't think it's weird to use porn doesn't mean you want to go out and do it whenever, wherever you want.
That being said, please read on; you’ll some really great references that follow.
I have been looking at porn for some time now but it has gotten to the point where everything is predictable. Do you have any suggestions on where I can find sites that show REAL orgasms not faux porn star status?

There's a wonderful video series of real couples having real sex that I love, called Real People, Real Life, Real Sex. The couples are interviewed about their relationship and sex life, and then they're filmed having sex. There are female couples, male couples, and hetero couples. It's available from Amazon, but some people have loaded it onto youtube, too.
Love, love your column wish it had existed in my youth but one thing… everyone recommends porn as a tool to help get someone in the mood yet offers no suggestions as to what to watch. If I could be so bold might I make some suggestions?
Most people are turned of fby the ugly men and the plastic bodies found in a lot of porn so people give up on it but look here are some suggestions for a newbie to try and as you grow and become more comfortable with your self you can start searching for what turns you on the internet is a great place to find it.

2) Tiffany Thompson is a young porn actress she has released some short videos some no more than 20 min long aka Teenagers in Love. The shots are loving beautiful and show an idealized version of sex but it does the job of getting you nice and bothered. Some of them can be found for free on redtube.

4) Private Independent An Open Invitation A Real Swingers Party in San Francisco-LKRG - This follows a couple as they discover the joys of swinging and it ends at a real swinging party so you see real people with real bodies enjoy sex.
5) Redtube is a free service where a person can view clips of porn films what ever your heart desires you will find it there. Clips can fun from a minute long to 30 minute or more. You can preview the clips before you click on them just by holding your mouse over the clip it can be bandwidth heavy so its always a good idea to preview before clicking.
6) Vivthomas I’ve found that the movies here are a bit more romantic than the average porn. This is a pay service but again you can find free clips on redtube so you can preview to see if the subscription is worth it.

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