Emmy wants your words. (amongst other things...) Every week Emmy will post a pic or 2 - containing phwoarrrr-worthy blokes from across the seas, some hunks from closer to home and sometimes some dangerously delish knickers and lingerie. What do we want from you in return? Well...... We want you to be inspired by these pics and to leave Emmy a delish drabble or longer story, or even a new chapter of an existing WIP, inspired by the pic(s). Remember it can be from ANY fandom you wish...
Leave a link to your story offering in the comments section and, if you want to, post it to your FF or LJ, or other host account (pm the link to Emmy at http://www.fanfiction.net/~pippapear) and make sure you mention the PPSS, by the following Thursday morning. (If you need more time, please don’t hesitate in still sending it to Emmy when you are done! We will still read and feature it!)
Each Friday Emmy will reveal her faves and at the same time post the next pervy picspiration for your pleasure. Non-Canon writers don’t despair - Emmy might be tragically WussPerv©, but there are plenty of equal opportunity pervs in the pack longing to read those if Emmy turp’s out.
Emmy is DYING to see what dirty delights you are going to come up with...
*Please make sure your story offering is in line with our mission statement
Well now! My fave pic from my shiny selection a few weeks ago got turned into a fic!
In case you hadn’t realised, I have become quite obsessed with Merlin, Merthur and Brolin fics.... The lovely MssDare Wrote me the most wonderful Merlin Druid fic! The Liquid Gold is an AU modern set magic fic, wherein Arthur gets involved in things he really doesn’t understand, and potentially bites off more than he can chew...! And is just yummy and divine! Merthur ftmfw! Gah. I am really really hoping for more of this fic from her! Maybe once her current WIP twific is finished....
So, dirty in denims?
I'm very pleased that Mar LeaPie has returned. She was inspired by our hot jeans pics for her latest chapter of her smutty Edward/Bella fic Feisty in Four Inch Heels. They were in dirty denims alright, and got even dirrrrrrtier!
Our joint contest with TwiFicPics each month to create pervtastic banners is going from strength to strength! Read more about it here Pervy Banner TwiFicPics Competition. Make sure you go look and ADOPT HERE! There are AMAZING entries yet again. NEW competition is COMING VERY SOON!
So please, please PLEASE go show the lovely MssDare and MarLeaPie some review love. We always want more, please let them know it was worth their while to get inspired.
What will it take to get you writing for me? …...
So this week? Time to flex those glutes! Shake that Arse! Focus on the bum. Bottom. Ass. Cuddle those cheeks! Bite them? Squeeze them? Pour them into skin tights? Let them all hang out? Hopefully some of these delectable shots of full arses or teasing glimpses will get you creative and pervy! But remember: It’s up to you! As always it is your call! Completely up to you....
What fandom do you prefer to read or write? Twilight? Merlin? Harry Potter? Transformers? DC Comics? Hunger Games? Or one I haven’t mentioned? NO matter the fandom, we want you to write it, and we WILL read it!
Remember you can take the prompt anyway and get writing - any character or fandom! Or you can be inspired in ANY way by the pics and write something tasty - it doesn’t matter! Just write me something.
Whatever the pics below do to you - write it... No matter what smutty delights they unlock.
SO what do these pics do for you, do to you? Just go for it and WRITE anything for ANY FANDOM that the pics or prompt inspires..!
Write me anything - be it Slash, FemmeSlash, AU or AH, canon or even OOC... AND remember for any fandom... Perhaps one of the pics inspires you to write a new chapter in a work-in-progress, or try something new. Be it a drabble, be it a one-shot or be it a WIP, just write for me. Make it sexy, make it sweet and tender, make it sensuous, erotic or downright naughty. Your call. Just let the inspiration take you - be you a BNA or an innocent virgin, wanting your Pervy Picspiration cherry popped for fun. Write whatever the pics inspire in you.....
I’m waiting.........
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