Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Indies TwiFic Awards!


The Indie Twific Awards site is up and gorgeous! Now, you can't nominate yet, but, you should still familiarize yourself with the categories (see below) and the rules etc.

Remember, this is for the newbies. Those authors who are just becoming familiar with the fandom or have been around with the dinosaurs but have just ventured into the land of writing.

Help them out, support the cause and nom the newbies. (Yes, that does sound dirty but I'm keeping it)


*Abbreviated rules...(full rules located here)

**Has 1000 or less reviews if a completed work (must be complete at time of submission)
**Has 30 reviews or less on average per chapter if it is a work in progress
**Has not won any other awards


**Alternate Universe
**Alternate Universe Human
**Best Collaboration
**Best undiscovered erotica
**Best use of music as inspiration
**Best characterizations (non Edward/Bella)
**Best use of comedy
**Most original story line
**Most romantic moment
**Best original character
**Best secondary story line
**Best non ExB story (average reviews per chapter for WIP 20 or less, completed work 1200 reviews or less)
*Remember that this glorious event is the brainchild of HMonster4 & Gustariana, but I'm lucky enough to be on the judging staff with some fantastic authors and readers.