the Creator of the Jasper/Bella genre Jannabanana!!
Welcome to the meeting of the Jasper shippers Janna Banana and FiberKitty- also known as the battle of the fanfic Amazons (we're 5'9” and 5'10”) and the place to find the answer to the question people have been asking for months, “when is the sequel to When Darkness Turns to Light coming out?”.
Scheduling around nap times and other mommy duties left us playing email tag and then having a two hour chat spanning thirty-three pages of a chat log. What can we say? We were chatty bitches when we got to finally sit down and chat while our six children were sleeping. Yes, six. We each have three. That alone is a good enough reason for Janna's writing hiatus.
Should I start with a mild taunting of our readers? Would it be cunty of me to say that I've read chapter one of the sequel? Yes? Oops. I'm sorry. No, I'm not really. WDTTL is fiberkitty's all time favorite story and being one of a handful of people to have seen proof of the sequel was amazing.
First things first. Who is your mental image of Jasper when you're writing?
JB: Calum Best – pictured here: In other pictures of Calum, he looks like a dolt, but when writing WDTTL, this is the face I imagined. I'm sorry but I just can't stand Jasper in the movie. He has a huge rod up his ass and he reminds me of Edward Scissorhands. Who would want to sleep with that? FK: So many Jaspers, so little time. High school aged Jasper is William Moseley. College/ young adult human Jasper is Jackson. Adult is Alexander Skarsgard- better known as Eric on True Blood.
Then we got into what you really want to know about.
JB: I was going to ask you if you used any of your real life sexual experiences for your writing but then the first story I read of yours was the jumping out of the plane and I was like, I guess not....
FK: Free-Falling Fornication is not the right story to use as an introduction to my work.
JB: I will make it my mission to read the rest!
FK: (That could take a really long time) I'd start with TTTB (The Tie That Binds), the non “must be a vampire to do this” scenes are. Obviously I have no real life basis for Bella and Emmett fucking atop the bear they just drained before slathering each other with blood to lick it off mid-sex.
JB: Really, you've never done that? Experiment a little!
FK: Nope. Being poly, bi, and into the BDSM scene to a small degree is enough adventure for me in this lifetime.
JB: Wow, you are a naughty little kitty! While I'm pretty adventurous with the hubs, I've never had the urge to dine at the Y. Though I love being on the menu, I'm strictly dickly.
FK: Yep!
JB: I fucking love it
FK: So here you go... I've taken our questions, removed our names from the answers, and we'll let you make your guess as to who said what.
1. Is your 2nd toe longer than your first
A. No. All my toes go down in size perfectly. If you look from the bottom, they look like peas on a pod!
B. No. Wow, I have yet to meet another “no” person outside of my mom's family.
2. Do you have a favorite type of pen?
A. Yes, I have a favorite type of pen. I'm actually ridiculous about it, I will search and destroy the house to find one of my pens. I'm afraid they will be discontinued and I have a stockpile.
B. I use one that my hubby turned on our lathe. He made it out of holly and it is grooved to fit my fingers and grip perfectly.
3. What color are your bedroom blinds/curtains?
A. We have curtains, in a burgundy/wine color, on one window facing our neighbor- but none on the back side facing the field.
B. I don't have any!!! I back onto a golf course so I haven't been in a rush to get them.
4. What do you think of cinnamon toothpaste?
A. Love it. Wait, you mean for brushing teeth, right?
B. I like anything except the kids' bubblegum flavors.
5. Where was the last place you had sex?
A. Guest room bed.
B. Laundry room while baby was sleeping.
6. Favorite food?
A. Holy crap! Mine is Milk Duds. Seriously. I could live off them. Other than that, it's pizza, tacos, shrimp pasta or a really nice tenderloin steak with baked potato smoothered in bacon bits, sour cream and chives. Wow, I'm drooling on my computer.
B. My mom's mashed potato pie is my ultimate comfort food, my favorite type of food is Japanese, my favorite meal is pork tacos with fresh lime juice and cilantro, a side of yellow rice and a margarita; but the food I'd die for is my mom's lemon delight.
7. Tittie War- who would win?
A. I'm a DD, some days I'm a DDD. I miss being a C, or even the D I was before pregnancy.
B. When I got married, I was (an) A. I'm now a D. The The hubs loves it but I hate them! HATE them! Perhaps if they were nice boobs, it would be okay but breast feeding three kids d oes some serious damage! It used to be I would never be able to fail the pencil test. Now, I can store a whole marker set under there!
That question spawned this statement: Holy fuck lady. those are some huge knockers! Does your back not kill you? Ok, in a tittie war, yours would so win!
8. Who is your ideal Edward?
A. I really only can see Rob as Edward. I had never even heard of Twilight until I saw a trailer on a Rob fansite. I've been a fan since before he was “that guy on Harry Potter.”
B. Henry Cavill. (Person A: He's just yummy) That he is. That's who I picture as Edward as that is who Stephenie Meyer had on her site as who she pictured. I'm sorry but RPat doesn't do it for me at all. I would probably get shot for saying that outside the house!
How do you think you did?
A- Janna 2. A- Janna 3. A- Kitty 4. A- Janna 5. A- Kitty 6. A- Janna 7. A- Kitty 8. A- Kitty
Why and how did you start writing fan fiction?
FK: Actually, after reading WDTTL and Nia-Ox's Deadly Sins Trilogy, I realized that fanfic didn't have to be the same cut and paste Edward and Bella stories that I'd been reading for a few months. So, taking what I knew in real life, I wrote The Tie That Binds- a polyamorous relationship between Bella, Jasper, and Edward- but as vampires.
What is it about the world of fan fiction that you enjoy so much?
FK: After a rough day with my kids, it is kinda nice to open up my email and see my latest chapter's reviews there as a pick-me-up. Knowing that someone is appreciating my work always puts a smile on my face. It also gives me a way to hone my craft and work out exactly what my target audience is looking for.
How do you come up with your fan fic stories? They are all so different and the pairings change with each one.
FK: TTTB and Lost and Found came from naughty dreams and then I wove the story around it. Relief's first two chapters are based on real life experiences (minus the cheating aspect) and my readers asked me to continue the story. The Song Saga was actually a request from Cella Cullen to write a story where Jasper was the single Cullen. The rest just sort of fell into place. I prefer to just improvise as I go although I find myself plotting out chapters ahead.
Do you prefer to take the characters and bend them to your will as opposed to writing canon?
FK: I prefer to take canon characters and mix it up a bit. There are so many Edward/Bella authors out there that I don't need to add more to the pot. Okay, I will be later this summer/early fall with Donation Drive, but it will not be your standard E/B star crossed lovers angsty fic.
Have you ever written any original stories?
FK: I actually have a few drabbles published through contests and have a potential contract on a short story at the moment. I have three original works in process, one in final draft form. Lost and Found was an original fic that I modified to work for fanfiction and am currently rewriting to its initial purpose.
What is your writing process? Do you outline first, create character bios, etc.?
FK: For original work, I get my basic plot summary written and then work on character bios or at least personality profiles and descriptions. From there, I start outlining where I want to go with the story, even if it isn't a chapter by chapter break down. Fanfic, since I am impatient and can't wait to post a chapter once it is written, I try to have a chapter outline done first so that I'm not stuck with writers' block on a piece.
Who are some of your favorite authors?
FK: You, nia-ox , ObsessingOverEdward, TheSpoiltOne, Lindseyfair, and I owe many of my daily smiles to mischief-maker1, miztrezboo, kaia2008, and CellaCullen who email me regularly.
Seriously, whose team are you on? Jasper, Edward or someone else? Do you even care who she's with as long as the story is well written?
FK: As long as the story is well-written and has some depth, I am Team who ever makes Bella happy and isn't a douche. Edward in the canon- hated him. I thought he was a controlling, manipulative, jealous jerk for a lack of better term. When I wrote Lost and Found, I stripped away the sparkles and brought those traits into the light. People did not like my assward at all. If I had to choose for me personally, I'd take Jasper. Given the picture I saw of Kellan this morning though, maybe I should just take them all and give some back when I'm done.
Your banners are absolutely phenomenal. How on earth did you start making them? (If you recall, I am a computer boob and have no idea how to even begin something like that).
FK: I wanted banners for my stories and felt really awkward asking someone to make me one. Emily, one of the Perv Pack, made me a banner for Relief that was just amazing. I wanted to tweak it a bit to make a smaller banner square later and realized that I still had my photoshop skills from highschool and college classes. Since then, I've made quite a few. My Lord of the Rings inspired banner for Dark Salvation is my favorite.
What would you take if you were to be stranded on a deserted island (kids, hubby aside because that's just too obvious, unless you want to get away from the hubby and you don't need food or water).
FK: That would be a vacation. I'm taking sunblock because I burn like hell, the solar charger for my sony ereader, and my ereader (complete with a huge memory card inserted) loaded with every book in my collection that can fit.
JB: Is it bad that I don't feel awkward getting you to make them for me? I'm so using you for the sequel and I'm not ashamed about it!! It's either that or I can cut and paste a smiley face, that's the extent of my photoshop skills.
FK: You can use me any way you want to, bb. As soon as you give me a title, I may have the image already designed. I don't know if Edward could be adequately represented with a smiley face.
You're a mom, like I am, so what made you choose to write fanfic, instead of trying your hand at something that would reimburse you monetarily for the time and energy?
JB: When Darkness Turns to Light is the first thing that I've ever written. I happened to be browsing Stephenie Meyer's website and saw her listing of recommended websites and just clicked on one which brought me to the fan fic site. I'd never heard of fan fiction before and was immediately drawn to the idea of stories involving characters that I had fallen in love with and couldn't get enough of. Of course, being the complete computer boob that I am, it took me forever to realize the rating system and that you had to scroll down to M to get to the good stuff but once I found those, my world changed forever (and so did the hubby's!!).
I am seriously scared shitless to try my own story. I'm riddled with self doubt doing the sequel for WDTTL and my beta keeps kicking my ass and telling me to just read some of my reviews and give my head a shake but that's where I'm at right now.
What is your writing process? Do you just have a plot outline, do you go down to the chapter?
JB: I have no style whatsoever. Since this was my first go at writing something, I really just pounded it out chapter by chapter and let the characters take me where they wanted to go. I knew that I wanted certain things to happen and for certain people to show up and I always knew that I was ending the story right after the change but that was about it. It is a horrible way to do it as I would come up with an idea later and it would cause me to go back and have to rewrite several chapters. For example, I decided to embellish Felix and Demetri's characters as I liked them and where I was going but that meant I had to go all the way back to where they first show up in the apartment and rework those chapters.
I am amazed at how people can write a chapter and post it. I had the story written up to chapter 40 before I started posting and then ended up rewriting the entire end and adding in the confrontation with Jasper and Demetri and whatnot at the last minute.
How long does it take you to write the average chapter, without mommy duty distractions?
JB: It really depends on the flow. Some chapters I would whip out in a few hours whereas others I agonized over for days. The change was the worst. It literally took me over a week to get it where I wanted it whereas the conversation between Bella and Jacob at the end just flowed and I finished it in about an hour with maybe a few changes after my Beta worked her magic.
FK: The week you spent on the change was well worth it. There is not a change that compares. To me, that set the bar of what Bella's change should be.
JB: Holy compliment! Thank you.
What is it like knowing that you've warped the minds of many diehard E/B fans so that they are now J/B shippers?
JB: I LOVE it!!! It makes my day when I get a review saying that someone has jumped ship from Edward's team and is now on Jasper's. At first read through Twilight, I loved Edward but when I revamped the books, I realized how condescending he was to Bella. It started pushing me over to Jacob's side. As I got further involved with writing my story and Jasper became a deeper and more evolved character, I started comparing the two and well, I love my Jasper WAY more than Edward. I basically took all the wrong moves that Edward made in the books and used them to my advantage to make Jasper come out as the better male.
Out of the different “-wards” that are out there, which one is your favorite and why?
JB: Ok, this is where it will show that I haven't left the house or read anything in the past 5 months since the birth of my third babe. I honestly hadn't heard of the "wards" until PPSS! So, other than Darkward, I haven't heard many others. Is there a Sexward? I'll take that one please.
FK: You all know how Kitty feels about Edward. But, there is one Edward who makes this kitty purr- HoneyWard. Holding Out For Youward owns me.
Do you have a fanfic author (or two) that you just can't get enough from?
JB: Hands down my favorite is Stupid Shiny Volvo Driver. I first came across her story, Absence of Light and literally felt an ache in my chest when I read it. By this point I was deeply addicted to fan fics but had yet to leave a review so she was my first. I just had to tell her how much that two chapter story affected me. After that, I read her Dark Dance of Temptation which is by far the best Edward/Bella story that I've come across.
Terri Botta writes amazing Eric/Sookie fan fics if you are a fan of The Southern Vampire series by Charlaine Harris. Her writing is phenomenal and hot, hot, crazy hot sex scenes. Super hot and steamy. Melt the ink of the page type of hot. Take that particular page and act out with the hubby hot. Are you getting what I'm saying here? HOT! She needs to be a pervling. Why haven't I thought of that before???? SMOKIN'!!!
I do have a ton of other favs but those two are at the top of the list.
What type of books do you enjoy reading in your free time? Any recommendations?
JB: Wow, how much space do I get for my response??? I have SO many favorites. My half of the walk in closet in my bedroom is 95% books. I seriously have about 10 things hanging and then the rest of the shelves are covered by books.
I love anything and everything by J R Ward, Lara Adrian, Kresley Cole, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kerrelyn Sparks, Jeaniene Frost, Lynsay Sands, Keri Arthur and Jacquelyn Frank. There are also a few series that I love from authors that have others books that I haven't read yet so they don't fall under the anything and everything but they are: The Southern Vampire series by Charlaine Harris, Gena Showalter's Atlantis series and Lords of the Underworld, I enjoyed Marie Anne Moning's highlander books and have now picked up a few of Hannah Howells as well. There is nothing like a HHH to get you through the night. What is an HHH you ask, why it is a hot hunky highlander and I need to get me one. I never thought a man in a skirt could be so sexy. The hubs draws the line though, no kilts in his future so I just have to continue to dream.
I feel like I'm doing an Oscar speech, did I forget anyone?
What other hobbies do you have?
JB: At the moment, reading and writing whenever I have a spare moment is about all I have time to do. I have three kids under the age of five so I really don't have a lot of spare time.
FK: I completely understand that. I have a 4 y/o and twin 14 month olds. When I'm not being a mom, I'm writing.
What kind of “-ward” is your DH?
JB: Again, since I'm unfamiliar with the "ward", I'm going with Sexward!!
Janna: Just how big is Jasper in the peen department? I get the impression that he's bigger than Edward, but if that's true, by how much? WHEN ARE YOU POSTING THE SEQUEL??!!
JB: He's huge in both length and girth of course! HUGE!! Poor Eddie has a complex about it, he's embarrassed to be seen naked around him. No sauna for Edward as he can't blame the size is due to shrinkage because of the cold in that situation. Let's just say that there are foot long hot dogs and then there are vienna sausages. Jasper is definitely the hot dog, poor Edward is the sausage!
The sequel is coming, very slowly. Life just keeps getting in the way.
Do you have any tattoos?
JB: Yes, I have a banana with sunglasses, arms and legs and a big ol smile on the top of my right foot.
Your opinion on slash fics? Would you ever write one?
JB: I've read quite a few really good ones. I think they are extremely hot. I don't think I could do one justice but you never know....if I did, I'd more than likely do it between Qhuinn and Blay from the BDB books. I'd continue on the scene in Lover Enshrined where they kiss. Anyone that read that book wanted them to continue that kiss. Even if you don't go for that sort of thing, you know you wanted more, admit it, cum on, you so did.
FK: Umm. I am one of the writers of Dark Salvation; should I elaborate?
Favorite sexual position?
JB: Do I have to pick? Why have just one favourite? I have a pocket sized Kama Sutra book in the bedside table which is well used. If we had room for it, we'd so have the tantric chair! The hubby keeps telling me that I don't really need my dresser.....
FK: Doggy style.
Favorite ff ever?
JB: Dark Dance of Temptation by Stupid Shiny Volvo Driver
FK: When Darkness Turns to Light. (This is why I was doing fangirl squees and bounces when we were paired together.)
Hardest part about writing ff?
JB: Since I've only written one and I did it from the POV of both characters, I found it hard at times to stay true to their personalities. I'd have Jasper say or think something that Bella would or vice versa.
FK: Feeling like I'm wasting my time. I could be spending the same amount of time working on my original fiction or bobbin lace- instead, I write. Of course, I have some of the best fangirls ever over on Twilighted. They make it worthwhile.
Do people in real life know you write twilight fanfiction?
JB: Absolutely. Though most don't understand what it is and my father in law actually checked with a lawyer to ensure that I couldn't get sued (he STILL doesn't get it!!). All my friends are aware of it but most haven't read it. I don't have many friends that read to the extent that I do. I've found my book loving friends via fan fiction (SSVD) who have then introduced me to a number of other Twilight lovers.
FK: Some do, some don't. Author friends are appalled, my husband is amused, my friends read it, and then I'm desperately hoping my mother-in-law doesn't find them.
If I looked under your bed right now, what would I find?
JB: Dust bunnies, my dog, two Rubbermaid containers of clothes that I am determined to get into once I lose the baby weight.
FK: My fanfic masterbilia collection- printouts of my favorite lemons, a storage box with sweaters, and probably the cat. Amiras hides under the bed. We always worry that one day we may break the bed and squish her.
Which Character in any story do you want to bone?
JB: The list really is endless. I pretty much am infatuated with whatever character in the current book I happened to be reading. But the top of the crop are the Brothers from BDB.
FK: Clayton Danvers aka Clay from Bitten (by Kelley Armstrong) Umm yeah. He can fuck me any day in any position.
Why is Jasper one of your favorite characters to write?
JB: I chose Jasper because he was the least developed personality in the books and I could do whatever I wanted with him.
FK: Because Janna made him so fucking wonderful and I had to continue with the Jasper love.
Janna, how did WDTtL come about?
JB: I had a dream of Jasper watching Bella dancing with someone else and him getting all jealous and then him walking up to her in a bar and kissing her. I wrote out that scene and that was what started me on the story. I then wrote the first two chapters, did Bella's POV and then Jasper's POV and sent them to Stupid Shiny Volvo Driver to see what she thought and she encouraged me to keep going...and, well, 51 chapters later, the story was finished.
What made you decide to choose Bella as Jasper's partner?
JB: Truthfully? I have no idea, I never considered anyone else. I had the dream mentioned above and went from there.
FK: I blame Janna. :)
Janna: As a fellow smut-book worshipper, I wonder, was your Jasper inspired by a character in one of your favorite Romance novels? I realize that he has all the typical "Jasper" traits, but as a whole, does he share similarities with any of your fave book hotties?
JB: Jasper was inspired by my wanting to show how Edward was such an ass in the Twilight series and how I thought Bella was better with someone else. As the story progressed, I did take a lot of my husband's traits and give them to Jasper. My husband is so the type to run me a bath with candles and then bring me a glass of wine while I'm soaking in the tub.
What advice can you give to novice authors of Jasper fics? Anything to keep in mind when writing from his point of view?
JB: I'm a novice author myself as this was the first story I've written (getting tired of reading that yet?) so I don't know what to tell you other than find your character and stay true to him.
Jasper is the ultimate gentleman and does not lie. He stays true to his word, always. So that is something to keep in mind. Well that and he fucks like a demon so smut scenes are fun to write with him!!
FK: First, I would say you should run over to the Discerning Ficster's Jasper post. There is a lot of great information there. Second, read other Jasper fics and learn what works and does not. Jasper is older than Edward yet has adapted to the current world much more fully than Edward has. Third, do your research. Yes, you do have some creative licensing, but- the late 1800's Texas wasn't all cowboys. Civil War Reenactment websites can give you a great starting place. It is the little things that will stand out.
Bella's change was beautiful and one of my favorite in the fandom. Did you always invision it when you started writing or did it evolve as the story progressed? I am anxious for the sequel that you have mentioned. Is it still planned? I don't mean to pressure you but WDTTL is one of my all time fav fics and made me love Jasper.
JB: The change: I wrote it exactly how I first saw it. I never wanted the "uterus munching" or bones snapping or anything like that. Jasper used his powers to make it as peaceful as possible and also showed just how much he loved her by taking the pain within himself. I wrote it long before breaking dawn and I was appalled at her change.
Yes, I am going to do it. As you know, it is from Edward's POV. I would say that out of the over 3500 reviews for the story, the majority have always wanted his reaction so now they are going to get it.
How far into the future from the date of Bella's change does the sequel start?
JB: 15 years, 2 months, 1 week and 4 days, to be exact
Awe Kitty that was a Fantastic interview! So many new things to learn about my most FAVORITE KITTY and about the great Janna B that had me on the Jasper train within the first chapter!
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