Thursday, July 9, 2009

2009 Comic Con

Say what?

That's right ladies, thanks to the gloriously delicious LolaShoes, Comic Con will NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN.

Ten Twilight fanfic writers will be descending upon the Con and lighting that mother fucker up.

The tentative schedule says that our panel will be at 10AM Saturday morning so if you're heading to CC this year come check us out!!!

Also, if you're attending please leave us a comment below and let us know!!!

Fanfic Panel Authors

Bella Cella Luna


Rebekah said...

i just hope and nina think im still cool enough to hang out with in person.

tonya said...

i'll be there! i hope to be able to chat with you guys. :D

-Tonya/ ilsuocantante

OIP Em said...

I expect pics of that meeting! Preferably naked ones but I will settle for some tits and groping each other. Fuck I am jealous you are going. Nina and Hopey take goooood care of my Baby for me.

Anonymous said...

if you could, could you please video tape the whole thing then post it up somewhere?
i love you guys, and though the New Moon conference will be great, they don't give us anything as satisfying as you all do.
i tried to listen to a podcast of you all, but i got you all mixed up. A name, to a story, to a face would be great.

Unknown said...

*raises hand and jumps up and donw* I'll be there! Can't wait to meet everyone!

Vonnie said...

I'm going to be there!! Where can I meet all of you??

HappyTwilighter said...

I'll be there!! I can't freakin' wait! This trip keeps getting better and better and I haven't even left Florida yet! Cali better watch out!! See you all there!

Galathea said...

why ooh why do I live in this country where I cant meet my favorites authors??

Secratic said...

I'll be there.:) I've already caught a lot of shit from the fiancee for missing the Chuck panel for "silly fan-porn stories" *evil glare* but I seriously cannot wait to see some creators of my most recent obsession :)
I'll be the one with the giant camera taking lots of pictures like the weird fangirl that I am. Seriously. :) Can't wait!

Free2beMe said...

I'll be there!! I think I'm gonna have to pull out my VOLUNTEER badge for this one!!