Monday, July 6, 2009

U.S. vs U.K. Man Meat Showdown

It's that time again, pervlings. Tell us who soaked your panties best...


...wowie! said...

This is a TRICK! You put up a shirtless Rob against Mr. Smarty Pants. Heaven help me but I always imagined myself married to Rob...hehehe...but if Mr. Smarty Pants ever crossed my path, I would ask my hubby for this one freebie. DAYUM!

Rebekah said...

I want to put US3's wang in my mouth. Sorry, I just had to be honest.

TMI Queen said...

My son went to give me a hug goodnight just as I was pulling this up. He's like "Whoa shit!" and ran

Unknown said...


Bri must have not picked out these pics. *sigh*

Still completely hot and hard to choose from!