Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Emmy wants Physical Telepathy

Physical Telepathy



AU. One-shot. A more tasteful attempt at smut-if there is such a thing-exploring how Bella and Edward might have actually spent their wedding night. Breaking Dawn is not necessary to this story.

I searched and searched a few weeks ago, looking for a new one shot to read. A one shot NOT
connected to any competition and not from an author we the pack had already featured - let me tell you it was bloody hard.

Also I had some further specifications...
  • It had to be wussperv safe, with a very high quality of writing...
  • Plus - and I am going to tell you dear pervlings this in confidence.... [as much as I am looking forward to seeing dear Robward on the big screen - especially kicking arse in red vamp Italian robes - I am getting quite anxious as to how I am going to cope with the sadness AND especially with the Jakeness! Jake & Bella represents all that is wrong in the world to me!!!!!! So I am getting a wee bitty sad as I think about the sadness that is New Moon].
  • So what I am trying to say is that I really really wanted a HAPPY vamp story. One that reminded me that Bella & Robward end up happily ever after - married, furthermore mated for life as vamps...
That was my mission. Physical Telepathy was one of the few great stories that I yielded.

The author says herself that she was trying to write a more tasteful smutty story. She most certainly succeeded.

This is not a dirrrrty story. But it is most definitely hot & delicious. She has written their physcial connection so perfectly, so in keeping with how I perceive the canon characters to be that its a delight to read. My breath and pulse quickened as I read it, and I was stirred and seduced by her way with words and cadences that dripped with sensuality, but most of all reverberated with love.

"Her body arched against his, tight as a bow, as his mouth closed around her breast and he tasted the hardness of her nipple with his tongue."

....... mmmmh yummy and classy! So if you are looking for something a bit removed from the madness of the traffic jam of (brilliant) competitions that have sprung up this last year, well written, sexy and warmly reassuring this is the story for you!!

I loved it and was absolutely gutted that the author has only got 44 reviews for this fiction. forty fucking four!!! Travesty!

Please read and please please please bloody review and tell the author Emmy sent you with much love.


Anonymous said...

This is one of my favorite one shots of all time. It is so beautiful that there should be a frame made to hang it on the wall. It is the type of writing that makes you want to weep give up writing, and quit your job to join a writer's colony simultaneously.
Absolutely gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

This is one of my favorite one shots of all time. It is so beautiful that there should be a frame made to hang it on the wall. It is the type of writing that makes you want to weep give up writing, and quit your job to join a writer's colony simultaneously.
Absolutely gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Lol to go & read now :)

Anonymous said...

DAMN! thank you so much for this rec. The story was AMAZING, lol & so beautiful. Thanks ladies