We’ve been so incredibly pleased and surprised by the First Time Writers Challenge Entries. They span Canon, AU, and AUH. Ratings K+ through M. We have everything from Bella and Edward to fics about Jane, Renee and Rose. All in all, we can’t be any more excited.Voting will be open from 11/2/2009 through 11/15/2009. A few gentle requests:
Please take the time to read all the entries before submitting your vote.
Please leave feedback for the stories you read in the way of reviews, we are sure the authors would appreciate thoughts/reactions/feedback/etc.
Please vote for the best story regardless of things like rating, pairing, or genre. This is about recognizing and encouraging new talent – be open to trying some new things, you might find somethings that surprise and delight you. Congrats to the first time writers for taking the leap of faith! We hope you all enjoying reading, we did!
The Indies First Time Writers Challenge Team
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