Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy Fucking New Year!

Again this week we are doing things a little bit different. Please find below our New Years Resolutions and Wishes for the New Year.

By the time this posts, it will be 2010. TWO-THOUSAND-TEN. *gasp* How the frak did that happen??

Resolutions aren't really my thing...mostly because I don't like setting myself up for failure and I inevitably won't keep whatever it is that I resolve to do.

But, just for this game, I'll play. I want to get on a work-out schedule and keep it. I was doing good till Christmas and then everything was blown to hell.

I'd also like to set aside more time to spend with my family cause I really don't have enough quality time with them.

And, finally, more sex. Because, really, how can there me too much?

Wow! I cannot believe its almost 2010 already! :) How did that happen??
I am such a predictable british bore when it comes to New Years Resolutions... Be healthier etc.

The one thing I am resolute in though, is making a concerted effort to see more of the Git & his daughter. Try & eliminate the miles, or break through them to spend more time together. Love knows no bounds and all that! ;) ...

I am blissfully unaware most of the time of the fandom drama's - I intend to keep giving them the attention they deserve - none.

My final resolution is to continue to strive to be there for all my friends - whether here with me in Scotland, abroad or online..... I love them dearly & give me so much joy & cheer all year round. Its only right I return that tenfold if I possibly can.

So my darlings - much love to you all in 2010 - may all your wishes and dreams come true oh & HAPPY HOGMANY! - I hope your hangover isn't as bad as mine... (oh & anyone I drunk tweet, text or email at the Bells - I do so bloody apologise... I still grimace & groan when I remember the one I sent Nina last year....)

Big hogmany kisses to you all! xxxxxx

Happy New Years Pervlings and everyone else. Wow 2010. A decade ago I was at Uncle Ted's Whiplash bash rocking out to Metallica & Kid Rock. This New Year's Eve I chilled with the family. My how times have changed.

Anyway, I do in fact have a few goals for this year. Some are personal and some are fandom related. My first resolution or goal is to not takes things so seriously and to not let them affect me as much. The second is to finish my fucking stories and soon! The third, I'm with Bri MORE SEX! Because really, everyone could use a little more sex.

Here's hoping you all have a fucktabulous 2010 and achieve whatever goals you set for yourself.

New Year has never been a huge deal for me. I don't set resolutions, I don't go to fancy parties, I don't host fancy parties... so I'm keeping this just as low key.

I wish you all a fucktabulous 2010. I look forward to reading the wonderful stories you write, loving the friendship you offer, and sharing in the laughter and we heart its we find. :)

New Years three years ago you would have found me pickled and singing, while laying under a table at bar in New York City.

Since my mini-man Jack was born, I now host a party at home, where you can find me pickled and singing while laying under a table.

I'm only mostly kidding. I never lay under the table. The dog hair hides there.

I don't set resolutions because I just end up giving them up for Lent.

What I do want to impart on the ending of 2009 is that I hope everyone has had a wonderful year and that the next brings everything you could ask for and more.

I'm grateful to those of you that I've met and I hope that 2010 affords me the opportunity to meet more.

Much love, be safe and life's too short to be bitchy and angry. Have a laugh instead.


Wow, 2010! Not quite sure where 2009 went yet, but I guess the new year is here whether I'm ready or not. I'm not sure I'm really ready, I'll have a 10 year old this year and that scares the bejeebies out of me.

My main resolution, which it always is, is to be healthier. Two years ago I lost a fair bit of weight and last year put about half of it back on. So my goal for this year is to re-lose that and get back in shape by setting up a good workout routine.

My only other one is to do my best to keep up with my writing and to keep my creativity flowing.

I'm grateful to all the wonderful friends I've made in the fandom and I hope that you all begin a fabulous New Year today!

Oh my god, where did this year go?! 2010 ALREADY? My New Year's resolutions are as follows:

1. Work out
2. Stop eating shit (not literal shit ya know, just all those things that are tasty-and therefore bad for you.
3. Update more often. Those who read my story know I suck at this.
4. And by the end of 2010 I hope to be making a baby. The entire time leading up to that point will be focused on practicing making a baby. hehe

Happy New Years to you all. If you're nursing a hangover, take some aspirin, load up on vitamin B, drink lots of water, and go back to bed. If you aren't sick as a dog, go out and enjoy the day with family and friends. Maybe write some good fic, read and review your fave stories. Ya know, the usual. I hope 2010 is even better than 2009. May it be filled with love, laughter, and good sex.