Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pervy Picspiration


Emmy wants your words. (amongst other things...) Every week Emmy will post a pic or 2 - containing phwoarrrr-worthy blokes from across the seas, some hunks from closer to home and sometimes some dangerously delish knickers and lingerie. What do we want from you in return? Well...... We want you to be inspired by these pics and to leave Emmy a delish drabble or longer story inspired by the pic(s).

Leave your story offering in the comments section and, if you want to, post it to your FF account (pm the link to Emmy at mentioning the PPSS, by the following Wednesday. Each Friday Emmy will reveal her fave (entirely personal & subjective opinions belonging to Emmy) and at the same time post the next pervy picspiration for your pleasure. Non-Canon writers don’t despair - Emmy might be tragically WussPerv©, but there are plenty of equal opportunity pervs in the pack longing to read those if Emmy turp’s out.

Emmy is DYING to see what dirty delights you are going to come up with...

*Please make sure your story offering is in line with our mission statement

Last week we embraced technology

A brand new author joined our ranks this week! You know how much I love that....

In Technology is a Wonderful Thing Bella is the sexy and frustrated wife of a certain businessman away on his work travels... Whatever will she do to resolve this situation? And who is her husband? Read Gredelina1’s smutty one-shot of fun to find out!

And do remember we are now linking with TwiFicPics for a monthly pervtastic banner competition! Read more about it here Pervy Banner TwiFicPics Competition

The new competition is on the go NOW have a look here

So please remember to go show Gredelina1 lots of love and welcome her to our fold. Reviews make stories get written!

This week? Yes I know smoking is very bad. Very very bad. But sometimes it can be sexy, or edgy, or provide something that might disgust us, even if that person is very very hot. Perhaps naughty is good? Give me smoking hot writing! However you want!!!

Write me anything - be it Slash, FemmeSlash, AU or AH, canon or even OOC... Perhaps one of the pics inspires you to write a new chapter in a work-in-progress, or try something new. Be it a drabble, be it a one-shot or be it a WIP, just write for me. Make it sexy, make it sweet and tender, make it sensuous, erotic or downright naughty. Your call. Just let the inspiration take you - be you a BNA or an innocent virgin, wanting your Pervy Picspiration cherry popped for fun. Write whatever the pics inspire in you.....

I’m waiting.........