Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Stephie loves Zombies and Tea Lights

Zombies and Tea Lights



Edward and Bella show their mutual love and support when the other needs it most. AH/AU. A rather fluffy one shot written for tawelephants. A Fandom Gives Back Auction Fic.

Here I am again, rec'ing a one shot for you all. I completely forgot that it was my turn at bat. In fact, in an email chain with the PP gals, my response to finding out I was up was "shiiiiiit." True story.

So into the fic I dove, searching for a o/s that would draw me in. I didn't have to search very hard. Five pages into the search and I had it. Zombies and Tea Lights. I think the title is what caught my attention first off. Then the summary. Because I'm a sucker for fluff and love and Edwad and Bella. And because it was also written for FGB.

What I really enjoy about this story is the RL feel to it, much like what I said in the review. Despite it being fluffy, it isn't overly sacchrine and fake. Edward has just lost his job. The bar he performs at closes down. His sister, Alice, is sick. Basically anything that can go wrong, already has and somehow will find a way to get worse. Except for his relationship with Bella. In his time of need Bella is there to provide comfort in the form of love, food, and Zombie killing. And when Bella is stressing out over a hectic and disappointing day (their 2 year anniversary no less), Edward is there to help make things good, in ways only Edward can...

Oh yes, there is some lovely sexy times. In fact, the all around desperate need that these two feel for physical intimacy is hot by itself. Then you bring in some of the things Edward says and *fans self* you've got one delicious piece of citrus.

I am in love with their love, if that makes sense. Simple gestures and thoughtful words make their relationship beautiful amidst the ugliness of the economy and other RL shit. I'm really glad tawelephants requested this from ahizelm for FGB, otherwise, where would we be?

Please read and review. You can thank me later.


Anonymous said...

Aww! This makes me all smiley and silly...and it's my birthday week! Thanks so much for the rec, bbs!


Anonymous said...

I am so excited that you guys picked her one shot. AHelm is an amazing writer and I was so blessed for her to write something for me for the auction. I love every word of this!!!